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I am firmly Gen X but I never could get over the site design at Reddit. And then there's the user base.

There are some real "WHACK JOBS" on Reddit. If you can wade through all the noise and craziness, there is some good content there but WOW are there some real crazies!

The Flashlight forum and the Hank and Firefly flashlight forums are solid. The Firefly forum is the best way to interact with that Chinese maker. Trolls tend to get ejected pretty fast so, not nearly as bad as the other Reddit forums I have visited.

The razor Reddit forums are really schewed to a different focus and audience. A lot of focus on razors available on the 'street' in India when I was there last. It's all good but, learning about a $2 DE razor sold only in local market stalls in India isn't of much interest to me today.
Thread there currently where there is general agreement that Saponificio Varesino is inferior to most "artisan" soaps... Fells like most of them have been shaving for 10 minutes and can't comprehend anything that is longer than a Tiktok video.

I think if I released an aritisinal soap with a smegma base and paid influencers to spruik it, I'd be overwhelmed by these people.
Thread there currently where there is general agreement that Saponificio Varesino is inferior to most "artisan" soaps... Fells like most of them have been shaving for 10 minutes and can't comprehend anything that is longer than a Tiktok video.

I think if I released an aritisinal soap with a smegma base and paid influencers to spruik it, I'd be overwhelmed by these people.

Way to generalize an entire forum based on 4 comments.
Thread there currently where there is general agreement that Saponificio Varesino is inferior to most "artisan" soaps... Fells like most of them have been shaving for 10 minutes and can't comprehend anything that is longer than a Tiktok video.

I think if I released an aritisinal soap with a smegma base and paid influencers to spruik it, I'd be overwhelmed by these people.

After trying several of the larger US artisan companies I don't think those couple Redditor's takes are completely invalid. Performance is most definitely better on some artisan soaps, but I can understand why some folk stick to the tried and true triple milled European soaps. Everyone's got their thing, no reason to be yucking someone's yum :thumbup1:
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