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Razor Emporium Rhodium re plate E1 1.95 Fatboy

I have a few fatboys, well more than a few but heres the story of one, she is an e1, 1959 first quarter.
Before Razor Emporium replate

Its a really nice razor with minimal issues
And looks to be never dropped or scratched deep or bent, blade gap was perfect as i did it myself

Heres the razor i got back after revamp in rhodium, inspected by Matt himself, he even signed the little card

Looks really nice at first look, beautifully done knurling and TTO, outside of doors are really nice, end caps are perfectly plated. When you start to look closer, look inside with the tto open, look in corners a few things not 100%, i think they rounded my adjustment knob a little bit, its not so crisp

Doors were almost perfect one little scratch maybe 1mm (It doesnt show in photo)


Close up of the riser or number plate, unnacceptable.. they softened more edges

Behind the doors is not done well in my opinion could be better

T bar didnt take plating well either, in person the job is worse than the pictures show, unacceptable!!!

I also mentioned the maroon clicker spring which he said fatboys came with lighter red and darker red clickers we use the darker red(seems to be red tip red only)

This is true but they didnt cake paint on so it doesnt click properly. Now im trying to wear down the thick paint so it clicks like it should, it kinds glides right over the bump in the clicker spring and doesnt feel right, i mean i thin my testors paint when i paint my own razors clickers because of this…

I emailed RE and matt got back to me and first said send it back we will re plate the number plate and adjuster, i said thats not the only problem and pointed out all the issues i had with the revamp and he got back to me and said
“Hey there, I really think at this point, it would be best for everyone if we got you a replacement razor. Does this razor have some sentimental value? And I don't think the factory nickel finish is going to make you happy. I think you are really looking for a very shiny, near mirror finish, which is exclusively for our rhodium or gold

What I'm thinking is you send us that razor, and we send back a rhodium one that is already done it belongs to the company. It would be an even exchange. Let us know how that sounds.


Matt “
My thought when i read this… Yes matt i am lookin for rhodium thats why i chose rodium on the website then payed for Rhodium and expected a rhodium razor in equal condition…

Just be aware of all this, please ladies and gents

So now im at this point with RE, what if it did have sentimental value, what if it was my grandfathers that he got as a gift from my grandmother when my mother was born? Good thing i didnt send a sentimental razor cause it came back in worse shape than it was originally! Ill post updates if they do right by me and my E1
Ill be sending this back to RE and awaiting an answer on my razor or my replacement cause hes now out of town…i guess well see next week when hes back!

I just wanted to share this experience to show how my re plate of a fatboy has been, not to talk trash on RE or discourage others from getting a revamp here. I dont think i will be revamping anything else with them. Feel free to ask any questions or post your feelings on the situation

Thank you for reading,


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I would not have replated the razor to begin with. I think a replate is for lost cause razors and, probably, not for sentimental value razors. But I've heard RE's videos managing expectations as to what a replate will and won't do. At their prices compared to Chris Spencer of Back Roads Gold, RE isn't even on my radar. But he does just nickle and gold these days.

I like the authentic age of my old Gillettes and all look fine as is. I did buy a replated NEW and had my broken Old Type repaired and replated by BRG. The latter was close to miracle work. The New just looks like a new razor that happens to be about 80-82 years old.
I would not have replated the razor to begin with. I think a replate is for lost cause razors and, probably, not for sentimental value razors. But I've heard RE's videos managing expectations as to what a replate will and won't do. At their prices compared to Chris Spencer of Back Roads Gold, RE isn't even on my radar. But he does just nickle and gold these days.

I like the authentic age of my old Gillettes and all look fine as is. I did buy a replated NEW and had my broken Old Type repaired and replated by BRG. The latter was close to miracle work. The New just looks like a new razor that happens to be about 80-82 years old.
My exact reason was i wanted a rhodium plated fatboy, reason for choosing RE the rhodium and the 25% off coupon,?the reason i chose that specific razor was the only E1 i had at that time, 1959 march my mother was born now im lookin to buy a 195 FB D3 which is my fathers birth year and quarter im goin to BRG for any other razors that needs some love. Ive never heard a negative review on their replates but ive heard many on RE, lesson learned though. What got me to choose RE were his videos he acts like hes got the best plating service and hes knowledgeable and cares about these razor.. nope, he charges crazy prices and cares only about money Cause if he had to replate my razor thats rhodium down the drain,did i mention he wanted to replace my entire razor if i send him mine back? One that belongs to the RE shop he says, maybe someone here will read this and make a better decision on who does theirs. i just hope RE makes this right but my hopes arent high on that front, all of my other razors are as found condition except cleaned adjusted and ready to shave
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Thanks bud, me too, you think at their price theyd be doin more prep work and adjusting and their plating would be top notch! I just hope this doesnt happen to any new razorheads which is why i shared it all

I have read enough here on the forum that this doesn't surprise me a bit. There is a rather long thread in the "Shopping and Deals" forum that catalogs quite a few unhappy customers.

I know hindsight is 20-20, sorry about your experience. You may want to put your original post here, with the others:

I have read enough here on the forum that this doesn't surprise me a bit. There is a rather long thread in the "Shopping and Deals" forum that catalogs quite a few unhappy customers.

I know hindsight is 20-20, sorry about your experience. You may want to put your original post here, with the others:

I went ahead and posted there, thank you!!i wish i had consulted B&B before i replated. The razor does shave well though… but so did it before i let RE have it. Ugh what a mess
Thanks for sharing. Ive herd rumors but not had any experiance with them. I plan on having a few razors done in the future. The pictures you posted speak loud. Thanks.
Sure thing! Check back roads gold, hes got a website just google it. If your lookin for somethin custom definitely check out northshore razors he does some awesome razors either way you go you wont be disappointed


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They have a long history here, full of horror stories like this and worse.

If you choose to replace, this vendor should not be considered.

I have no first hand experience with them, just basing it on the B&B stories told in various threads, over the 10+ years I've been here.
im going to do a full new review write up of the experience thats a little shorter and sweeter where ill show the razor after the first revamp, then after i emailed matt about the work RE did and my disappointment in which he said “send it back in we will fix any issues” and after the second revamp. Just give me a few to write, order, watch my foul language 😁and post, then id love to hear everyones responses. I payed no extra money for them to fix what was wrong on the razor except postage there, he kept me up to date on where the razor was in the revamp and how he feels the razor rated after the revampx2, i have a Personna 74 ready to shave the next week or 2 that will follow that post
WOW! They messed up and won't replate your razor, but trade it out for one they have "in house". What a complete joke!

My answer would be no can do. I want the razor that I sent you to be replated.

Worse yet, this razor was inspected by the head of RE. Just illustrates his lack of QC.
I payed no extra money for them to fix what was wrong on the razor except postage there
They screwed up the job to begin with and yet you have to pay to send back they're screw up to be fixed?? If it were me he'd have paid to have it overnighted both ways to be re-done on his dime, but then again this type of scenario is why I would never do business with such a dishonest vendor!!

There have just been too many horror stories about this vendor since I became a member here back in 2016!!
WOW! They messed up and won't replate your razor, but trade it out for one they have "in house". What a complete joke!

My answer would be no can do. I want the razor that I sent you to be replated.

Worse yet, this razor was inspected by the head of RE. Just illustrates his lack of QC.
I believe I had a 41 Ranger Tech replated in Rhodium at RE, and the only complaint I had was that the shallow lettering in the band just above the TTO knob, was not as legible as the original plating was in nickle. I believe Matt does plate to a greater thickness than original plating so that it will last a lot longer. One can still see the letters on the band but they are not totally clear to read. The rest of the razor plating is impeccable. I would not hesitate to go back to RE for another razor replate or maybe just get one of their finsihed products, ready to ship and be happy. After all, they are just razors, right, not works of art, even though they can be beautiful in our eyes.
After all, they are just razors, right, not works of art, even though they can be beautiful in our eyes.
Understood. The issue I would have would be - I paid for a service that was not rendered to expectations. Why would anyone go back to a business that created issues, when there are others that do a FAR better job and do not give the customer any issues and replate to near original finish.

To each their own!
If it’s not what you paid for demand satisfaction. And tell your story to everyone who will listen, on this shaving site and on others. Make noise and you’ll get satisfaction.
If it’s not what you paid for demand satisfaction. And tell your story to everyone who will listen, on this shaving site and on others. Make noise and you’ll get satisfaction.
It's just not as easy as that to get satisfaction from Matt Pisarcik. He is not forthcoming in making things right.... I know from experience!
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