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**Random PIF**- Inspired by talk of the Classics

I'm in! Twilight......... I'm kidding. I would have to say The Watch. Looked funny in previews and turned out to be something terrible about aliens.
I'm in.

The Matrix sequels. Disjointed story lines, one of the most boring car chases in movie history, silly CGI effects and fights.

As an aside, I find many CGI effects/fights look fake. The old swashbuckler movies with Errol Flynn, Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, Tyrone Power where
they do much of their own sword fighting and many stunts have a much more realistic feel to them. Movies like: Crimson Pirate, Flame and the Arrow, Robin Hood (Errol Flynn, Basal Rathbone), and Scarmouche to name a few.
I'm in! I would love to try a classic high end soap, have read good reviews about DR Harris.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I grew up watching the old ones so was excited for this one when it came out. I thought the whole movie was pretty much laughable.

I'm also going to give a runner up: Sex and City movie... It came out when I was first married, and my wife wanted to watch it. She was planning on going to the theater alone and I had no plans of going so she was going to go alone. I felt bad (being newly weds and all) so I went with her. I didn't know anything about the movie other than it was a chick flick, and figured a movie about sex can't be too bad. We showed up and the theater was empty except for a few other groups of people. Before the movie starts some older lady walks in (I'm guessing in her late 60's) and sits right next to me, of all the empty seats she chooses the seat next to the one guy in the theater (sitting right next to his wife). The movie was awful, and dragged on for almost 3 hours, there is some horrible horse face woman that keeps showing up, and their humor is cringe worthy. I couldn't even enjoy the sex scenes because of the awkwardness of some 60 year old lady sitting right next to me.
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Fussy Evil Genius
I'm out, but I what a great PIF!

And, I had to get my venting in. Like some of the others, I am torn between the Star Wars prequels and The recently (thank The Maker) finished Hobbit series.
I'm in.
A lot of good choices already made. For me Starship Troopers, the move after the book hype and hype from people who did not read the book.


I got moves like Jagger
Great PIF!
... but I'm not in. I won a similar Harris PIF last year from brucered and it took me 7 months of daily shaving to finish the puck :tongue_sm
I'm in, only really tried the artisans.

Biggest letdown would have to be cloverfield, looked like an awesome concept but ended up being another shaky POV movie.
I'm in.

Bad movies that I walked out of: Night Patrol and Zoolander
Bad movies that for some reason I suffered through to the end: Exodus: Gods and Kings, Vanilla Sky
I'm in. Silence of the lambs. I kept waiting for something, anything, to happen. I have always used Arko soap for DE shaving.
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