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Quality Tea vs Quality Coffee - Which do you drink more cups of?

quality Tea vs quality Coffee - which do you drink?

  • Drink 10x or more Tea than Coffee

  • Drink 2x or more Tea than Coffee

  • Drink roughly the same number of cups of Tea as Coffee

  • Drink 2x or more Coffee than Tea

  • Drink 10x or more Coffee than Tea

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Tough question for me because the ratio waxes and wanes. Right now I'm drinking more cups of tea than coffee. I emphasize cups because of those charts that are measuring consumption by weight. The amount of tea for a cup can vary a lot, and the amount of coffee grounds per cup can vary a bit also. The weight is bad yardstick for measuring consumption. It could be that tea is consumed more on a per cup basis than coffee because I think that the weight of tea used in comparison is less per cup.
For me, it depends on the quality of either if given a choice. Just like liquor, I prefer top shelf tea/coffee freshly ground since I don't drink much of either.
I drink coffee only occasionally (less than once a month), but about two liters of tea a day (20+ brews Chinese gongfu style). Wasn't always this way (in grad school it was coffee that was drunk in excess), but has been in recent years.
Both coffee and green tea have been shown to have health benefits. Take your pick. Is green tea healthier than other teas? I doubt it. Japan, where most green tea originates, has done more tea studies on this tea than have countries where most black varietals originate.

I prefer tea because of the infinite variety of flavor profiles. Coffee is coffee: good, bad, indifferent. And coffee gives me the jitters, which tea does not.


Fussy Evil Genius
This is a fun necropost to read.

I voted that I drink about the same, which I think I do, but I must admit that I really do not know. I don't keep count. I tend to have a cup of coffee in the morning, maybe two, and never more than two. Sometimes, I have tea instead of coffee. Sometimes, I follow coffee with tea, but I also might follow tea with coffee. The Earl Grey I drink is actually pretty good for two steepings (although the second is very different), so having one cup of that often leads to a second. Just about all the green teas I drink are good for at least 2-3 steepings, so I'll have two or three cups when I break it out (maybe once or twice per week).

In other words, your guess is as good as mine, man. It's all "quality," so it all counts.
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