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PAA Meta-4 opinions

My primary razor is currently a Henson AL13+. I also have a pre-war Gillette Tech and a Baili BD176. I've bought and passed on some other razors over the last couple of years (post-war Gillette Tech, a Weishi TTO, and a few others). I've never invested in a high-end razor. It's just not that important to me. I'm kinda getting the itch for something else and have been considering a Henson++, Karve Bison, Karve Overlander, or a PAA Meta-4. I've found quite a bit of info on the Henson and the Karves, but less so on the PAA. I realize that they are all vastly different designed (except for maybe the Henson and the Bison), but they are all touted as mild, yet efficient. Any thoughts from anyone who has used the PAA in particular?
Its been on my wanted list since it was released. There always seems to be some other shiny thing that works its way to the top of the list. If you end up with one, let us know how it goes.
I've tried some PAA razors and here's my thought.

Alpha Ecliptic - smooth and efficient shaver but there are better slants like Merkur 37, ATT S1 or Rex Konsul

Ascension Twist Adjustable - If it's an adjustable razor, every 3 piece razors are adjustable.so naming it adjustable is gimmick. Another smooth efficienct shaver. It shaves better than its original, GSK, which is the mildest razor I've ever tried. But at this price range, I would go for Razorock, Henson or Twig.

Meta-4 - I've tried many,many premium razors. While Meta-4 is priced less than half of them, it is one of the best modern razors out there. I prefer it to Overlander, Henson, or various Razorock offerings. Very smooth and deceptively efficient. I also had the original Kirby Beard razor and I don't think I can pick the original if I do a blind test. It is really copied well. (except the ugly, boring Gillette SS handle.)
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I had a Meta 4 at one time. It was a good shaver but I never could get over the overly large (wide) head. Ended up getting rid of it. I remember it being mild yet efficient, but not as efficient as my top razors.
So I purchased a Meta-4 from another B&B member. I've now used it 3 times. Here are my thoughts. The razor is extremely smooth. There's barely any blade feel at all. In fact, it's the only razor that I have been able to go ATG on my neck with - ever. That being said, it's fairly efficient, but not overly so. As @gdawg55 says, the head is very wide (long). The head is slightly wider than my Henson, but because of a gap on the edges of the head, the cutting length of the blade is significantly less. Because of the length of the head but the diminished cutting length, in tight places around the jawline and the curves of the neck, I am having trouble getting super close. I really like the design. I just wish that the head was slightly less long and that the blade extended further towards the edges.

But if BBS is not a pursuit, and if you're looking for a smooth daily driver that would be trouble free, the Meta-4 may certainly fit the bill.

The above being said, I'm looking forward to more shaves to get acquainted with it and dial in the technique for this unusual head.
4th shave with the Meta-4 - this time using a Bolzano Superinox. Again, as long as I'm not going for BBS, this is a super smooth shaver. It's definitely not the most efficient razor that I have used, and again, under the jawline is where I struggle most but I think that's because of the wide head. So...end of the day, a smooth razor, efficient to a point, but definitely mild aggression, a very wide hide that can make certain tight places difficult to get to. But overall very pleasant and easy to use.
META-4 is an incredible razor that widely has its praises sung on nearly every forum except this one. It doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves. It's the smoothest razor I've ever used that maintains considerable efficiency, whereas my Karve CB, 6S and pretty much every other razor I own for that matter...despite being great razors... give up comparatively more "efficiency" for equivalent "smoothness".
For example, my 6S with plate 3 is slightly smoother than my META-4 while being considerably less efficient. Inversely, my Karve with a SB-D is slightly more efficient while being considerably less smooth.
Everybody always describes razors they like as "efficient while still being smooth". The META-4 is the only razor I've used that i would make the same claim, whereas, again, all my other razors sacrifice one thing for another more disproportionately. I'm enormously surprised to find you struggling to achieve BBS and suspect more practice will remedy that.

It also has exceptional build quality; at least as good as my Rockwell 6S and significantly better than my Henson (both still great razors). I was actually quite disappointed with Henson's build quality.

EDIT/P.S. -- It also has, by far, the deepest/grippiest knurling I've ever experienced on a razor.
META-4 is an incredible razor that widely has its praises sung on nearly every forum except this one. It doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves. It's the smoothest razor I've ever used that maintains considerable efficiency, whereas my Karve CB, 6S and pretty much every other razor I own for that matter...despite being great razors... give up comparatively more "efficiency" for equivalent "smoothness".
For example, my 6S with plate 3 is slightly smoother than my META-4 while being considerably less efficient. Inversely, my Karve with a SB-D is slightly more efficient while being considerably less smooth.
Everybody always describes razors they like as "efficient while still being smooth". The META-4 is the only razor I've used that i would make the same claim, whereas, again, all my other razors sacrifice one thing for another more disproportionately. I'm enormously surprised to find you struggling to achieve BBS and suspect more practice will remedy that.

It also has exceptional build quality; at least as good as my Rockwell 6S and significantly better than my Henson (both still great razors). I was actually quite disappointed with Henson's build quality.

EDIT/P.S. -- It also has, by far, the deepest/grippiest knurling I've ever experienced on a razor.
Just curious if you would you say that you tend the ride the cap or the safety bar more? Thanks.
Just curious if you would you say that you tend the ride the cap or the safety bar more? Thanks.
I very much have to ride the cap with the META-4. More than most razors.

That's the only ding I can give it...it demands a very specific shave angle...but once you find it and can maintain it... phenomenal shaves.
I very much have to ride the cap with the META-4. More than most razors.

That's the only ding I can give it...it demands a very specific shave angle...but once you find it and can maintain it... phenomenal shaves.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I'll just need to keep working at the angle. Overall, I get good shaves with it. I just find the Henson more efficient, and I find the wide head to be difficult to navigate in tight places like under the jawline.
I very much have to ride the cap with the META-4. More than most razors.

That's the only ding I can give it...it demands a very specific shave angle...but once you find it and can maintain it... phenomenal shaves.
If you look at the head from the side, you'll see it has something of an angle guide on the base plate in the shape of the safety bar.
Riding the cap works great as well, though.
I should probably say that I like the META-4 enough that I've bought five of them.

I do wish it had a taper toward the cutting edge like the PAA Ascension, Wizamet Jr, RazoRock Lupo v2 or Henson Al13 v2.

However, it's awesome even in its current form, just takes a little bit of getting used to.
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