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Newbie in Houston

Well, only my 3rd go with my foray into DEs today. I've only tried the 40's SS so far as I figured I would get started with the less aggressive razor first before trying the Red Tip SS (just making an assumption the Red Tip is more aggressive from info. gleaned from this site). Had by far my closest and most comfortable shave yet by going a little unorthodox. I haven't had a chance to get a brush or any soaps yet, but the Edge gel I've used for years with cartridges seemed to be gumming up the works a bit. So, I just used some Dawn dish washing liquid with much better results than I would have expected.

Using Derby blades so far. Once I get all set up I'll need to sample some other blades to see what works best for me. Okay, for a noob question? How many shaves do you usually get with one blade? I was assuming 2-3 max, but this was the 3rd go on the same blade and it was the best shave yet. Albeit I'm assuming that was more due to not using the goo in a can as stated above.
Welcome, fellow Houstonian. There is **so much** good info on here, and friendly folks with good advice. It's been a big help for me.

I created a thread a few weeks ago on British Isles, so if you haven't been yet:

Ask any questions you like - these folks put up with my dumb crud, they're obviously a kind, patient bunch. :blink: More people & more points of view makes it easier to learn & improve.
I'm still waiting to receive a brush, bowl and some soaps... so, I've only tried shaving with goo from a can with them so far.

Thanks to all the contributions of the members here for all the great info. so far.

There are a number of great places in Houston to find shaving soaps and creams. Kuhl's at West Alabama and Kiby, British Isles in the Village and the pharmacy next to the Rice on the corner of Post Oak and San Felipe in the Galleria area. British Isles has a nice selection that is a bit over-priced. Kuhl's prices are good and at the pharmacy their prices are good with a nice selection.

Welcome to B & B
Again... thanks for the warm welcome from everyone. Looking forward to checking out some of these places for supplies around Houston soon. I will admit that I've been holding off on buying some supplies as I joined in a couple of the "Newbie PIFs" around here right after signing up that specified not owning some of the supplies I'm sure I would buy. As soon as they're over, I'm sure my wallet will start to feel the pain. I've already compiled quite the wishlist from browsing the forums here. On the shaving front, I'm getting better shaves than I ever did with carts and this without even producing proper lathers yet.
There are a number of great places in Houston to find shaving soaps and creams. Kuhl's at West Alabama and Kiby, British Isles in the Village and the pharmacy next to the Rice on the corner of Post Oak and San Felipe in the Galleria area. British Isles has a nice selection that is a bit over-priced. Kuhl's prices are good and at the pharmacy their prices are good with a nice selection.

Welcome to B & B

i didn't get into wetshaving until after i moved out of houston. i need to go check these places out next time i'm in town visiting the fam.
UPDATE: 2 weeks in. Went ahead and purchased the Herban Cowboy Bill Campbell Shave Set here http://cgi.ebay.com/HERBAN-COWBOY-S...028?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53db366e34. Fairly cheap and the mug and brush are very beautiful and I think well worth it for my first brush and mug (as some reviews have stated - the soap sucks). Switched to a Col Conk soap. Been getting very good results with just Derby blades so far. So far I slightly prefer the 40's SS to the Red Tip. Looking forward to trying out some other blades next and purchasing a "proper" brush.

Also, the wallet has started to feel the pain of this new "hobby". Purchased my first "shave ready" straight from Harvita81 here (a 13/16 Solingen "Bag Piper") and a G1 Georgetown scuttle. Also, have a SRD latigo strop on the way from pelicano. Had my first shave with the straight today. Really enjoyed the ritual of it all. Only did a single pass (very carefully!) WTG with fairly good results (and luckily only one minor nick) and then cleaned it up with a DE. Already looking to purchase some more straights and some hones and looking forward to trying my first restoration.
Welcome to the good ship B&B. Take a stroll on the promenade deck and enjoy the voyage. :thumbup1:

Always remember, relax but be vigilant when you shave!
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