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Newb checkin...still waiting to get into the DE world

I figured I'd get my first post out of the way. First I'd like to express how great this community is. I'm a long time M3/Spray gel shaver about to set my foot into the DE world. I got my start from reading lifehacker.com->shaveblog.com->mantic59 youtube vids->here. Quite a journey! I've been waiting about a week for my Merkur Hefty Classic, Taylor Sandlewood and a Vulfix SB brush, but it looks like I'll be waiting a bit longer since someone from the company I ordered from fat fingered my address. I'll likely be getting my sample blade pack from LetterK before I get the razor.

I've been a self taught shaver from the beginning, and I look forward to stepping into the world of "Proper Shaving". For some reason I seem endlessly fascinated by it.


Welcome. :thumbup1:

Nice choice of products there, I hope they don't keep you waiting too long! You first few shaves may not be as good as you're used to with the M3/goo, but within a week you'll have an ok technique and will be getting better shaves than ever before. Just remember while you're learning, pressure = razorburn!
Welcome. I am new to all of this too. Where did you order from? I ordered from classicshaving.com. My order was fufilled very quickly (got my Merkeur HD and sample pack from Letterk yesterday) in only 3 days. If you are anxious to start, go to Target and get some Proraso products like I did. This way, I was able to get making the later down pat before I started using the DE. I think it made it a lot easier since I already was used to half of the process. Anyways, good luck and welcome!
Edcculus said:
Welcome. I am new to all of this too. Where did you order from? I ordered from classicshaving.com. My order was fufilled very quickly (got my Merkeur HD and sample pack from Letterk yesterday) in only 3 days. If you are anxious to start, go to Target and get some Proraso products like I did. This way, I was able to get making the later down pat before I started using the DE. I think it made it a lot easier since I already was used to half of the process. Anyways, good luck and welcome!

I also ordered from classicshaving.com. I've been anxious to start, but making the lather means getting a 2nd brush. I'll likely wait since my fiancee is already thinking I'm a nutter for spending what I have been on this stuff.
Welcome to B&B Kris!

Remember, 1 blade, 1 brush,1 soap/cream,and 1 week. This is a process, not a race.

BTW, Resistance is futile- you will be assimilated!(nutter or not! :wink: )

welcome to B&B! since no one has said it yet i will go ahead and make sure you know to stay away from shaving against the grain for the first week or so of your DE shaves. glad to have you here and hope your first DE shave goes better than mine (but then again most do):biggrin:

Regarding the cost, it helps to realize that the equipment essentially lasts a lifetime: a brush costing, say, $150 seems like a lot, but it's only $5 a year (over 30 years): 1.4 cents a day. So for just 20 cents a day, you can get 15 of those brushes.

You get very good at such calculations after the obsession hits. :smile:
Welcome aboard!

darxpryte said:
I also ordered from classicshaving.com. I've been anxious to start, but making the lather means getting a 2nd brush. I'll likely wait since my fiancee is already thinking I'm a nutter for spending what I have been on this stuff.

Somebody on another board said almost the same thing . . . I'll tell you what I told him, "You have no idea what you are in for . . . I'm wondering if there is a 12 step plan or something . . . "

Leisureguy said:
You get very good at such calculations after the obsession hits. :smile:

Leisureguy is right. It becomes an obsession. There's a lot of cool stuff out there to try but it is all very enjoyable! Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever viewed shaving as something of a "hobby" but, it can be.
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