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New Handlebar Mustache: Advice needed


Needs milk and a bidet!
Staff member
interesting. I was under the impression you wash it completely out and start over fresh every day.
For me the biggest thing that helped it was the training, not the wax. When I'm sitting around at my desk or watching TV I just comb it and shape it. I also picked up an eyebrow/eyelash brush thing from the make-up dept at Walmart and that thing does wonders for my 'stache.
Mustache continuing to grown nicely. I've learned new techniques for drinking coffee, blowing my nose, etc....

I just trimmed my Handlebar the last monday. It no longer exists, as I have the opportunity to interview for a higher position at my company. My line of work doesn't allow me to have mustache wax in during the day (Construction, so there is dust and dirt and mud and metal shaving flying at my face all day, and I don't want that sticking to me), so if they called me in to do the interview in the middle of the day, I would look like an unkempt walrus.

Once you get some more length on your mustache, you'll see where you need to cut it. As the rest of it begins to overlap, you'll see that cutting the hairs underneath make sense, otherwise the bottom hairs will pull down and separate the hairs when you laugh, open wide to shove food in your mouth, etc.

If, like me, you can't have it groomed all the time, get used to drinking through a straw. Using your mustache as a strainer gets old.

Edit: Ha, just saw your post about learning different drinking habits.
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ROB . I lost this thread and couldn't remember where it was.... I looked a few times and gave up...lol. Your stache is lookin good. I told you I would post mine. So here it is bro.


Now half as wise

Mostly Oregon Wild Hair, but also some Firehouse & Bounders.

I still want to try the Col Conk as well.

If you're happy with the OWH and Firehouse, I would n't bother with Col Conk. I think you'll be dissappointed. It's much more like petroleum jelly (Vaseline) with just s little wax. For me, very greasy with little hold.

The plastic tub is nice though! I still use mine to mix up my own concoction in the microwave.
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