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New Guy here! DE on the move

so quick question, my wife and I were at the Christmas Tree Shop in our area, and they had a short handled, butterfly DE along w/ a badger brush and stand for $45.00. I bought it and then started my DE shaving adventure. It's been 3 weeks and I'm doing a lot of reading, but the main question is, should I buy a Merkur or some other "brand name" razor? The one I have has a short rough handle which makes it nice to grip, not too heavy but seems to work fine. I'm at the point now where I'm gaining on my technique. no more face slashes, maybe an occasional nick but all in all pretty good. Learning about grain etc, but wondering if I would get a closer shave if I spent say over $50 on a razor.
Lets here it from you pros!

If you are getting a good shave with what you have, you might want to wait a while before getting another one. As you gain experience and review reviews on various razors, you will have a better idea of what you might like. I personally found the Merkur 34C to be a great razor, and have read excellent reviews on the other Merkur models, including their adjustables.

Sent via mobile - Chris
Hello and welcome, John. Great to have you here on B&B. Wander on over to the Hall of Fame and introduce yourself.

Do you need another razor? Heck no. Will you get another? Quite probably.

Lots of guys here will get 1-2-3-4-50 additional razors just to try them out and/or collect them, particularly vintage Gillettes, Schicks, or Gems/Ever-Readys. We call that RAD or razor acquisition disorder.


Staff member
Welcome aboard, John. I was in the same position as you, at one time. You will receive lots of advice, pertaining to the "best" second razor, because just like seats and butts, there's a razor for every face. There's a world full of $50 new and vintage razors that will give you a DFS. Find something that looks appealing and research it on the forum. I'd suggest you post a pic of your razor, so the guys can offer up their "more aggressive" suggestions!

P.S. perhaps look at a few razors in the $50 range, and ask the gents their opinions....
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Welcome to the forum. I would suggest you read the reviews on different razors in the B&B forums so that you can make a more informed decision before buying anything. I'm sure you will decide you need another brush, a mug and try more blades. You can find info on all of that here on B&B.
whoa! Feels great to be part of such fine gents! Thanks much for all the responses. I'm afraid you are ALL CORRECT IN EVERYTHING YOU MENTIONED! lol Especially the RAD.... oh dear~!
Carry on gents.
Welcome! A good razor and an expensive razor are two different razors.

Case in point, my FaTip Piccolo was ~$10 and is a wonderful razor. My Edwin Jagger 89 was ~$25 and another great choice for ME. Other people may or may not have a different opinion on those two options. It is hard to imagine a ~$50 razor will shave 5 times better than my Piccolo. A ~$50 razor might be prettier, or not, than a $10~$25 razor though.
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