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My Newest Pen Additions

The first I call the time warp pen. I started it in 2006 (Dec 31st to be exact) and finished it in 2007 (January 1st to be exact).

The pen is made from Afzelia Burl.
Thank you very much for the nice comments.

Let me tell you I am having trouble putting both these pens down. The shape of them fits the hand perfectly. Now I have trouble decidign whether to go with the fountian pen or the roller ball.
Very nice. You're still making works of art I see. I get constant comments from people about the pen you made for me. I don't regret spending a single $ on it.
MC, I finish with a combination of BLO (boiled linseed oil) and CA (superglue). I usually give it one good coat of BLO before I start on the CA. The BLO really pops the grain! I cannot take all the credit though as my source for wood is probably the best around. It just so happens that it is the small town where I work. They are very well known, West Penn Hardwoods. You may not have heard of them being that you are on the left coast but they have been written up in a number of magazines.

Alex, Thank you again for the nice comments. I am very pleased that you like the pen that was made for you. The last order that I had was 7 pens (including two gentlemen's pens) to a colleague in Japan. As you might imagine I ship more internationally than I do in the States. It seems as though people elsewhere have more of an appreciation for this type of work.
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