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My Guess... 3017


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I just finished up my last sample of Strop Shoppe and here are my overall thoughts...remember, these were samples from a buddy who bought them, I didn't pay for them and didn't load from full sized tubs. They were squashed in my ceramic soap dish.

The tubs also varied from soft like RR Croaps, to firmness of MdC to hard like Haslinger but still plyable. The shaves were all great, no issues, easy to lather, did not test scuttle heat as I didn't have a large enough sample to try and potentially waste. They were all face lathered, loaded from the sample with a damp brush for about 30sec and then worked on my face. Lather was always thick and cream, did not break down and delivered effortless shaves from a couple different razor/blade combos. Performance of all of them was great and they are as good as any soap I have shaved with.

Not much difference between the performance of tallow vs veggie. Using the last of my Tallow today, it may have a bit more slickness as least residual (buffing areas already shaved), but not much. The tallow also seemed to use a lot more product, mostly likely due to how soft they were compared to the Veggie "Black Tie" I used. I hear the lanolin/shea butter soaps are the ones to get, but did not get a chance to try those.

All the scents were the right strength from the tubs, samples and when shaved but most of them were not ones I would want to spend extended periods of time with. Baker street was by far the most enjoybale, but again not one I would likely go out of my way to pick up.

My next victim of full sized tub 3017 will most likely be LA Shaving Soap - Woodsy Lavender. It comes in around 125g, smells amazing and one I have been looking forward to using since I traded for it a while back.
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Operation Free Up Counter Space is about to commence. I have way too many products and clutter in the bathroom. I need to start taking them out one by one. Using a rotation means years and years of clutter. Calculated attacks on each individually will allow me to free up room. I am going to start with the products with the least amount left for quick kills and work my way up to the full products. First up are the samples.

08/01/2014 - XX/XX/XXXX 1/4oz Sample of Trumper GFT
Operation Free Up Counter Space is about to commence. I have way too many products and clutter in the bathroom. I need to start taking them out one by one. Using a rotation means years and years of clutter. Calculated attacks on each individually will allow me to free up room. I am going to start with the products with the least amount left for quick kills and work my way up to the full products. First up are the samples.

08/01/2014 - XX/XX/XXXX 1/4oz Sample of Trumper GFT

May the force be with you!
I started to 3017 The Fat on July 1st, for the Fortnight of Fatness. I estimate I had 10-15 latherings on it before July 1. I did take a week off while on vacation. Still a big hunk of The Fat in my bowl. I don't weigh the puck or anything scientific like that, but I am guessing at least another 45-60 shaves left.
The Fat is phat.

I've been avoiding soaps that last longer than 2 months. I am enjoying my A.D.D. at the moment. 30 - 40 day soft soaps and creams are just my speed right now.
Traveling today. Brought a couple travel tubes of Institut Karite cream along that I plan on killing before I get back home. I like the soap just fine, havent used the cream in a while but I recall it being mediocre. Not used to the water where I am today so it took a while to get the lather dialed in. I actually ended up using 3x the amount of product I might normally use, but once I got the water to cream ratio dialed in it lathered ok. Actually, compared to the RR I just 3017'd the lather was really sub-par.

Cushion was not so good, glide very good, overall protection average. Certainly below your average tube of Proraso. Scent was sort of medicinal I guess, but clean and not objectional.

So I shaved using my travel gear, in an unfamiliar hotel in an unfamiliar city with unfamiliar water. Not the best scenario for a great shave. I figured on a quick single pass. The WTG pass went OK so I rolled with a XTG, also felt ok, so I went for an ATG, also felt ok. No blood, no obvious irritation.

Rinsed off with cool water. Splashed on a bit of Italian Citrus and I thought...huh. Ran my hands over my face and realized I had just completed an absolutely irritation free, wonderful, mostly BBS shave.

Arrrgh. DARN YOU INSTITUT KARITE CREAM. I wanted to hate you, use 3 times more product than I should, burn through both travel tubes on my vacation, and leave you empty and useless in a hotel waste basket somewhere in New England. Now I have to focus a bit more on the shave and see if you are truly a worthy cream that I may want to keep on hand.
Valobra hard. The love of my life! Im using this in-between my 3017 of Calani.

Giving myself a cheat day may have been a mistake. I used a Mike's sample that I bought a few weeks ago. This is my second time using Mike's, but the last time was about a year ago. It's better than I remember. I'm going back to Nomad tomorrow, but if my next couple Mike's cheat days are significantly better than Nomad, the C&E will be finished up in the shower. Today I went ahead and ordered samples of all the Mike's scents I'd still like to try, since they were all in stock.
SCS Lime is past

Continuing my SCS journey

SCS Refined Menthol is now on the block

10.01.2012 to 10.25.2012 - SCS Pumpkin....will replace
10.26.2012 to 01.30.2013 - SCS Sandlewood....( Huge puck from Sue auctions) will replace
02.01.2013 to 03.16.2013 - Klar Siefient....
03.17.2013 to 03.24.2013 - Vintage Yardley....(just a small amount, Thanks Rudy) Damn I wish could replace this
03.25.2013 to 04.05.2013 - Klar Siefient....will not replace
04.06.2013 to 05.06.2013 - Vintage Colgate....Wished I could replace
05.07.2013 to 05.25.2013 - LaToja Manantiales....I would replace if I could.. I do have 1 more puck
05.26.2013 to 05.29.2013 - Sample SCS Mochaccino....Will most definitely buy
05.30.2013 to 05.31.2013 - Sample Provence Sante cream....Will Not Buy
06.01.2013 to 06.09.2013 - SCS Bay Rum with a twist.... Will Replace
06.10.2013 to 06.21.2013 - SCS Lime.... Will Replace
06.22.2013 to 07.03.2013 - SCS Oak Moss Lavendula....Maybe Replace
07.04.2013 to 07.19.2013 - SCS Coconut....Must Replace
07.20.2013 to 08.12.2013 - SCS Moss Lime... Not a lover
08.13.2013 to 09.04.2013 - SCS Mochaccino... A must replace
09.05.2013 to 09.22.2013 - SCS Bulgarian Lavendar... meh scent... ?
09.23.2013 to 09.27.2013 - Godrej Cream... Okay stuff.... not replace
09.28.2013 to 10.21.2013 - SCS Pumpkin First Puck Excellent should be on everybodies list!!
10.22.2013 to 11.20.2013 - SCS Pumpkin Second Puck
11.21.2013 to 12.15.2013 - Partial Latoja Manantiales
12.16.2013 to 01.24.2014 - SCS Sandlewood....A must replace
01.25.2014 to 03.06.2014 - SCS Mochaccino....A must replace
03.07.2014 to 04.08.2014 - SCS Coconut....A must replace
04.09.2014 to 05.05.2014 - SCS Fairway....A must replace
05.06.2014 to 06.14.2014 - SCS New Spice about 6 more shaves in it
06.15.2014 to 06.21.2014 - Stone Cottage Soap Premium Shave Cream..... Good stuff !!!!!!
06.21.2014 to 06.25.2014 - SCS New Spice... Will Replace
06.26.2014 to 07.13.2014 - SCS Lime
07.14.2014 to 07.18.2014 - Stone Cottage Soap Premium Shave Cream
07.19.2014 to 08.02.2014 - SCS Lime....Will replace
08.03.2014 to 00.00.2014 - SCS Refined plus Menthol

00.00.2014 to 00.00.2014 - SCS
00.00.2014 to 00.00.2014 - SCS
00.00.2014 to 00.00.2014 - SCS
00.00.2014 to 00.00.2014 - SCS
00.00.2015 to 00.00.2015 - SCS
00.00.2015 to 00.00.2015 - SCS
While I don't think I'm going to do a "true" 3017 run, this thread has made me realize that I don't really know my soaps and creams all that well. I've acquired a lot of products at a fairly quick rate, to the point where I rarely use the same thing twice in a row.

For reference, this is what I am working with right now... $uploadfromtaptalk1406986303303.jpg

I've been wetshaving since March, and in the beginning, all I had were the Arko, Proraso Green and White, Nivea Sensitive (the unmarked white container, squeezed it out to make it stackable) and a few other ones that I've retired for various reasons (some Col Conk, Ogallala, and modern Williams)

Everything else you see I've basically acquired in the last 5 weeks or so, and I was growing a beard for almost 2 weeks of that time, so I wasn't using anything.
As I mentioned, this has lead to me trying everything once, getting some first impressions, and then moving on to the next one.

I have had good shaves from all of them, but I couldn't tell you the differences between them, obvious things like scent aside. Now, to be fair, with the large quantities of similar products, some of these aren't going to be vastly different. TOBS Sandalwood probably isn't much different from Mr. Taylor, if at all, but I bet I couldn't even tell you how it performs compared to Cella. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I USED Cella.

My most recent purchase was the CF Lavender, RR Fresco, and Zi Peppino. And I've promised myself that would be it for a while. These ADs are getting too expensive. I used the Fresco last night, and the one thing that stood out to me was how insanely thick the lather was. Probably the densest I have had from anything so far. I was shocked, honestly. For being RR's cheapest product that is being phased out in favour of something apparently better, this thing worked like a champ. I'm going to give the ZP and CF a first go this long weekend, but after that I am going to make a conscious effort to use things for a solid week at least before moving on. I want to able to actually appreciate each one of these products properly, and know why I like them, know what properties they have, instead of just picking based on scent, like I usually do.

Call it a mini-3017, I guess.
The question "How important is scent to your shave?" comes up now and again and I am realizing that it is pretty important to the experience as I use an older puck of AOS Tallow Lemon. If I use my imagination, I can detect a light....very light...scent of lemon. My only gripe as I use this puck is that it smells nowhere as nice as the AOS Lemon cream. The lather looks like Burnside's Valobra hard soap lather, and I will continue to enjoy how the soap performs, but I think I enjoyed GFT Rose more due to the scent.
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As long as the scent is not offensive, potent, and one I distaste....I can live with mild, meh scents....if the performance is there.

Panna Labdanno comes to mind for me. The scent was just there and nothing I enjoyed but nothing I found gross. The performance was the snining star in that one so it was easy to 3017.

Nowadays, with so many great performing AND great smelling soaps, there is no real reason to choose one over the other. This applies to currently available soaps and not discontinued and unavailable soaps.
The Fat is phat.

I've been avoiding soaps that last longer than 2 months. I am enjoying my A.D.D. at the moment. 30 - 40 day soft soaps and creams are just my speed right now.
I enjoy my AD's as much as the next guy. But I also realized I have way too many soaps and creams. Before The Fat I used a whole bar of Mikes Barbershop, for the soap of the month club, took me exactly 30 to finish it, and it felt GREAT to actualy finish off a puck. Right after that, I joined the Fortnight of Fatness, asnd decided to adopt the 3017 philosophy.
I wish I was as disciplined with aftershaves and blades, though.
While I don't think I'm going to do a "true" 3017 run, this thread has made me realize that I don't really know my soaps and creams all that well. I've acquired a lot of products at a fairly quick rate, to the point where I rarely use the same thing twice in a row.

For reference, this is what I am working with right now... View attachment 479328

I've been wetshaving since March, and in the beginning, all I had were the Arko, Proraso Green and White, Nivea Sensitive (the unmarked white container, squeezed it out to make it stackable) and a few other ones that I've retired for various reasons (some Col Conk, Ogallala, and modern Williams)

Everything else you see I've basically acquired in the last 5 weeks or so, and I was growing a beard for almost 2 weeks of that time, so I wasn't using anything.
As I mentioned, this has lead to me trying everything once, getting some first impressions, and then moving on to the next one.

I have had good shaves from all of them, but I couldn't tell you the differences between them, obvious things like scent aside. Now, to be fair, with the large quantities of similar products, some of these aren't going to be vastly different. TOBS Sandalwood probably isn't much different from Mr. Taylor, if at all, but I bet I couldn't even tell you how it performs compared to Cella. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I USED Cella.

My most recent purchase was the CF Lavender, RR Fresco, and Zi Peppino. And I've promised myself that would be it for a while. These ADs are getting too expensive. I used the Fresco last night, and the one thing that stood out to me was how insanely thick the lather was. Probably the densest I have had from anything so far. I was shocked, honestly. For being RR's cheapest product that is being phased out in favour of something apparently better, this thing worked like a champ. I'm going to give the ZP and CF a first go this long weekend, but after that I am going to make a conscious effort to use things for a solid week at least before moving on. I want to able to actually appreciate each one of these products properly, and know why I like them, know what properties they have, instead of just picking based on scent, like I usually do.

Call it a mini-3017, I guess.

I am just starting a true 3017 but I have found I get better shaves when using a product consistently for a week or so. A different product everyday for me was more inconsistent. Also as far as fresco. I absolutely love that soap. I am upset it getting phased out but I bought a couple of tubs to be safe.
I am just starting a true 3017 but I have found I get better shaves when using a product consistently for a week or so. A different product everyday for me was more inconsistent. Also as far as fresco. I absolutely love that soap. I am upset it getting phased out but I bought a couple of tubs to be safe.
Yeah, that's my aim with this project of mine. And yeah, the, Fresco is crazy! I wish all my stuff lathered like that!
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