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My experiment with the BBS shave

Now to begin, I can't believe I am actually posting this thread. This must be the 1000th thread on BBS shaving. I hope B&B can tolerate one more discussion on the BBS shave. I am almost 60 and have been wet shaving with soap, brush and carts for 40+ years and I am a recent convert to DE and SR (3+ yrs). Personally, I have always been one to turn my nose up at the BBS shave. Why bother I say! The multiple pass shave in my view is nothing more than tempting irritation. I generally do a two pass with touch-ups (sometimes only one pass) and I am ready to face the world. (Whether its ready to face me, however, is another question.) I have always believed that striving for a BBS shave is a bit like shoveling the driveway in a snow storm. A generally pointless endeavour. Now I know for some this is their definition of a perfect shave and I say good for them. I think we should all enjoy our shelves in our own particular way.

This week, I have decided to set myself the challenge of doing a BBS shave each day. I did a BBS shave this morning and I have already learned a few things. First, it felt kind of nice. Second, a slick soap is a necessity. Third, good prep certainly helps. Fourth, slight pressure on all passes is preferable to even normal pressure. Fifth, lathering up is kind of fun.

I am still not sure of the magic of a BBS shave, but I am willing to see what all the fuss is about. I like to approach things in life with an open mind. I realize I shouldn't knock it until I try it. And who knows...I might come to enjoy it. I may become a convert and preach the good news...."All hail the BBS!" I welcome your thoughts and musings on your own journey with the BBS.
I have been shaving daily with a DE since 1980,a non BBS shave is pointless for me since it only takes five minutes (from the start to the finish of my shave )for me to achieve it.

Plus the fact that with my Mediterranean beard a non BBS shave looks like a ... NO shave.
I go for BBS unless the shave doesn't seem to be going well (my last shave). But I almost always get BBS and it's a great feeling. My neck may have some irritation, but it usually goes away within 10-30 minutes if I use alcohol free witch hazel. I really love the BBS feeling that lasts about 5 hours for me.


I didnt know
I was never able to get a BBS shave with my Mach 3. Since changing back to DE, at the start I didnt try to better my shaves, but they became better gradually on their own.

My first BBS shave came with my fathers old Brit Flare Tip Rocket and a Polsilver SI. When I finished that 3 pass shave and 2 clean ups over my neck I bought 200 of those blades.

Since then, as a rule depending on blade, I always go for a BBS shave. My best shaves thus far have been with a Gillette NEW SC with a Polsilver SI for a 9+ hour BBS and a SuperMax Blue Diamond Titanium also at 9+ hours BBS with a 2 pass shave and a single clean up pass. My easiest BBS, although somewhat uncomfortable, came with a Gillette 7 O'Clock yellow and was a simple 2 pass shave, WTG and ATG and no clean up needed, but I cant remember how long it lasted.

I find some blades wont give a BBS shave for me, or even a comfortable shave. However with many blades if I try hard enough I can get there. Not always comfortably though. The largest difference I find between blades, outside of the comfort level, is how long the BBS shave will last. I can get a BBS shave, and a highly comfortable one as well, with a Derby Extra which is one of my favorite blades, but only BBS for around 4 hours.

I have 100 Feather in the mail and I'm curious to see how long the BBS will last with them. I'm not sure I could ask more of any blade than 9+ hours though.

I BBS my face and head daily. I only use razors that are capable, which are ones with the most rigid blade edge. It's actually pretty easy to get.

BBS'ers are out here but we are out numbered.
Wow. I'm surprised at those numbers. It's no trick for me to accomplish.
I am not sure if its that they can't get a BBS or that they can't be bothered. For me, I just couldn't be bothered with trying to attain the BBS. And whenever I did I seemed to end up with irritation. And that was mostly because I didn't take the time to figure out how to dial in a BBS with the right combination of hardware and software...and technique.


I didnt know
I am not sure if its that they can't get a BBS or that they can't be bothered. For me, I just couldn't be bothered with trying to attain the BBS. And whenever I did I seemed to end up with irritation. And that was mostly because I didn't take the time to figure out how to dial in a BBS with the right combination of hardware and software...and technique.

It depends which razor I use. In a Post War Tech, Feathers worked well along with Polsilvers, but I need quite a lot of buffing ATG over my neck. Very mild razor paired with very sharp blades, and the finish is very mild on my skin, but its a more ineffective shave.

In the Brit Rocket I passed to a family member and a Polsilver with 1-2 buffing passes over the same area.

In my NEW SC with really any blade considered "sharp" it's a standard 2 pass shave and at most a single buffing pass over my neck. A more aggressive razor, although just as rigid, which translates into a lesser number of passes needed.

In a NEW LC, passed to the same family member, I couldnt get a BBS shave over the trouble areas on my neck, even with a shim added. The rigidity just wasnt in that razor for me.

My usual shave consists of one full pass WTG entire face. One full pass ATG entire face and buffing ATG without a relather. Along my jawline for example ATG is from below my earlobe to chin and that may be 20 strokes per side with a Tech. Where with the NEW SC it's maybe 5-6 for BBS. The same for my neck that can be very stubborn with some blades. Thats all done on my ATG pass. I may add a flick of water if the soap is a touch dry.

After that I paint my face with lather again, and buff along my neck ATG until I feel nothing in any direction. Again, razor choice dictates number of strokes. On my neck I can easily use 20 strokes with a Tech on either side of my adams apple. With a NEW SC and recently a Gillette 7 O'Clock yellow, I didnt need any buffing on my neck.

There are a lot of variables in play, but if you can find the right match, it was surprising how easy it was for me to attain such a shave, with my skin still feeling fresh without even a hint of warmth. I personally however, cant get BBS over my neck without a rigid razor and blade.
I have found on weekends I will shoot for BBS.during the week I don't rush the irritation. I get a great shave with two pass and a touch up. I work in the heat so even thought I leave the house fine if I push it too much I tend to get irritation after a couple hours in the heat.
I generally do a two pass with touch-ups
That is my usual routine and it results in BBS most of the time. I have one mild razor that I can do three pass shaves with if I have the lather. No matter if I do two or three passes there is always a little touch up to be done on the neck up near the jaw. Two small spots, about the size of a quarter, one on each side just under the jaw closer to the chin than the ears.
I'm at this point I get,,, and enjoy a satisfying BBS almost every time. That is BBS against the grain.

Shimmed Timeless 68, w several blades, most creams. Worked in Pre's are important for me. I j-hook on the neck ATG, and buff a little ATG under the jaw. Don't stretch skin much.
I chase BBS most of the time however I've recently been only doing a quick wtg then atg on weeknights instead of my usual 3 passes + touch ups and I've started to find that after my skin is dry and calms down... The multiple pass bbs isn't that much more smooth for me then a quick 2 passer.

I can get bbs on my cheeks, chin, and neck with just a quick wtg then atg however to get my jaw line bbs and to ensure no stray hairs I usually need to add a full xtg pass + some atg touch ups.

All if this being after I've found the ideal razors for me. The above applies if I use my typical paa oc slant, maggard slant, or paa prismatic and usually Astra sp blades. Most other razors I've tried require more passes then I care to do for my thick beard to be bbs.
My typical shave is 3-passes (WTG, XTG, ATG). I work on getting a good prep, then good technique. These days I get BBS approximately 2-3 times per week. Always fun to get there!
If ppl feel BBS is over rated I understand. For me, I'm in my 50's, spent my enitire life w cans and Gillettes latest $5 per cartridge razors and never had shaves like this until you fine ppl shared your knowledge w me.

My wife likes the feel of my face but still razzed about my shaving enthusiasm. I told her I have to shave every day and might as well enjoy it and do a good job.
In my experience going for BBS when you're brand new to DE shaving is not a good idea. When I first started I kept reading that if you're not getting BBS shaves then something is wrong. I got really discouraged and almost gave up DE shaving because I felt the learning curve was just too much. Just couldn't get it right. Early on the most important thing is getting a DFS shave with little to no sting from the Alum. Once that happens, then chase BBS, not before. If you're getting little to no sting from the Alum almost every time, then you know your technique is down. If you chase BBS before that, you will get irritation like crazy.
I try to avoid pursuing it. I'm still working on technique and my impulse is rid of any whiskers I feel. But when I focus on that the razor burn factor goes up. So it takes effort to leave it at a DFS sometimes and try again the next day.
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