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Moustache Help

Hey guys so I'm still pretty new at this coming on 5 months of DE shaving. I can get consistent BBS shaves now but I am having a little bit of trouble with my Moustache Area. I always get weepers! I don't use any pressure at all and I even tried to go slow in that area and still I wind up with weepers. Its usually ATG and XTG passes that cause it, going WTG is perfectly fine.
Everywhere else I am having great shaves with the standard 3 pass + touch up.

Any tips or advice?
I find I get the best results on my mustache area by using a milder razor. If I use a more aggressive razor I have to use an extremely light touch. I also use my tongue to puff out my mustache area and that allows me to get a decent shave there.
I find I get the best results on my moustache area by using a milder razor. If I use a more aggressive razor I have to use an extremely light touch. I also use my tongue to puff out my moustache area and that allows me to get a decent shave there.
I use a Schick Krona and I will try out the tongue bit.
I chop at the area with multiple short strokes. If that makes sense. But it has been many many years since I have shaved that area.
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