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Morning Shaver Or Night Shaver?

I was a die hard night shaver but I've shifted over to mornings now. It's better to be smooth during the day time I'm finding.
i'm smooth most of the day depending on the blade.
right now i'm using a shark blade so smooth at bed time but by noon the next day i need to shave. bad.
63 minutes including hot shower first.
Didn't dawdle but neither did I rush.
Will probably single pass shave again in the morning as just a clean up.
It all depends on where I am... I work a 28day on 28day off schedule overseas. When Im home in the USA I shave in the mornings, when Im at work in Kazakhstan I shave in the evenings. No real reason...just the routine I seem to have developed.
I prefer mornings but it's generally a few hours before I go to work, and since I do shift work it could be at any point in the day or night.
Usually a night shaver as i leave for work around 5 am and would rather relax and take my time shaving than have a deadline.
I 'd say I shave during the day and sometimes nights it just depends on the mood I don't prefer one over the other it just depends on how busy I've been on that particular day. I will say this though I do enjoy shaving on during the cool fall mornings the best along with the winter mornings. That's when I bust out the scuttle and whip up some hot lather that's always a nice treat if I do say so myself.
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