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Member appreciation

@Guido75 I enjoy your daily comments in GRUME and elsewhere. Thanks for starting this thread.
I have seen the postings from many honorees on this thread but I have a B&B hero I want to recognize and that is @FoolishMortal.
He has a crazy, weird off-the-wall bunch of guys I mean a great bunch of guys in GRUME every month and keeps us going.
So Brandon, Thanks for your service, and, I hope the weather gets better in your neck of the world
Good Day Gents
Yesterday I expressed my appreciation to @FoolishMortal for continuing to keep us GRUMERS going every month.
Today, I want to give a thumbs up to someone I don't think I have ever interacted with on B&B. For what ever reason I like his style, avatar and love of things Italian. I had to use a word translator but he seems to have "Magnifico Carisma"
Here's to you, "B&B's Man in Italy" @Marco

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@Guido75 I enjoy your daily comments in GRUME and elsewhere. Thanks for starting this thread.
I have seen the postings from many honorees on this thread but I have a B&B hero I want to recognize and that is @FoolishMortal.
He has a crazy, weird off-the-wall bunch of guys I mean a great bunch of guys in GRUME every month and keeps us going.
So Brandon, Thanks for your service, and, I hope the weather gets better in your neck of the world
Thanks very much!

Of course, I think it's important to recognize that there wouldn't be much to the GRUME threads without all the members that cycle in and out. We have some stalwarts, some who pop in for a quick visit and then run away when they realize what GRUME means, and others who hang out for stretches and then go out for a while before coming back for another "cleanse". I (re)started the GRUME tradition for myself and put it out there for others to join if they wished, and I'm continually surprised and delighted by the number of B&Bers who come along for the ride.

Cheers to all, and...Onward!
Ok - so this entry I am writing with somewhat of a puzzled mind and yet a warm heart.

I like to look at all the pictures in posts displaying the most remarkable razors and handles on the planet (I need to take more pictures myself!). And over time I have developed HAD even more than RAD - I just like good looking special handles. And so when I see one I really like I let the owner know.

Today was no different, but what unfolded in my mail subsequent most definitely was. A very nice gentleman from just across the pond contacted me and end of story is that I will receive the most generous gift I may have received in a long time.

And to think that I am just a regular Joe and more or less a stranger to this man makes me very humble and actually lost for words (and others will attest to the fact that that is not an easy thing to pull off!)

So thank you so much @lasta for your kindness, generosity and openness to this Dutchman. I honestly and truly will never forget what you did today. The world is dim sometimes and I do have days where I feel heavy hearted. But this random act of kindness restores my trust and faith and makes me jump for joy.

I wish you only the best!



"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Ok - so this entry I am writing with somewhat of a puzzled mind and yet a warm heart.

I like to look at all the pictures in posts displaying the most remarkable razors and handles on the planet (I need to take more pictures myself!). And over time I have developed HAD even more than RAD - I just like good looking special handles. And so when I see one I really like I let the owner know.

Today was no different, but what unfolded in my mail subsequent most definitely was. A very nice gentleman from just across the pond contacted me and end of story is that I will receive the most generous gift I may have received in a long time.

And to think that I am just a regular Joe and more or less a stranger to this man makes me very humble and actually lost for words (and others will attest to the fact that that is not an easy thing to pull off!)

So thank you so much @lasta for your kindness, generosity and openness to this Dutchman. I honestly and truly will never forget what you did today. The world is dim sometimes and I do have days where I feel heavy hearted. But this random act of kindness restores my trust and faith and makes me jump for joy.

I wish you only the best!

Perfectly said my friend.


B&B's Man in Italy
If I may, I'd like to thank my favorite moderator @luvmysuper

I appreciate his straight ahead approach here. Reminds me of my uncle Jack

Thanks, Phil

We are all very lucky and thankful for having Phil @luvmysuper as an Admin of our glorious community. His guidance and contribution is beyond question first rate and first class. We really could not ask for a better one. Grazie di cuore Phil! :001_smile
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