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Lilac Vegetal - Lilac Festival

May 11th-20th my hometown will hold it's annual Lilac Festival in Highland Park. This 155 acre park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (famous for NYC's Central Park) and contains over 20 acres of flowering lilacs.

As a tribute to this festival I offer to the CONUS members of B&B one unopened 12oz bottle of Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal...

I will be splashing on the Veg during the days of this festival, and I hope you will too. If you wish to be included in this PIF, please post so in this thread before noon on April 9th. The winner will be chosen at random and announced Monday 4/9.



The Lather Maestro
Nice PIF! And the Veg has already chosen me, it's my new favorite thing! Count me in, please. :balloon:
The Veg has already chosen me,dont count me in for the pif but do count me in for Vegstock 2012


The Lather Maestro
I'd like to get in on this, too. Never tried the Veg, would like to see what all the controversy is about. Thanks! Aaron

You know what? Count me out (Post 6, if you pick it, just pick again). There are so many posts like this one here, I want it to go to a 'Vegetal Virgin'.

Advice to whoever gets this -- and to the rest of you who decide to try it. I do not know why, but you cannot judge this by the scent from the bottle. You cannot even judge it by the scent right after it is applied. You have to slap it on and wait 10-20 minutes for this to settle down and meld with you. I won't try to explain it, it just is, but trust me on this one. Everyone who uses it will tell you the same thing.

When you slap on Aqua Velva, a half hour later, you're still wearing Aqua Velva. Slap on Clubman and same thing. Slap on The Veg and you won't know what the hell is going on ... for a little while. Use it liberally, rub it in nice, give your face a nice massage after your shave, don't give in to first reactions. 20-30 minutes later, cup your hands over your face covering your nose, and see what happened to it.

Then, if you don't like, it, PIF it to me! :wink2:
When you slap on Aqua Velva, a half hour later, you're still wearing Aqua Velva. Slap on Clubman and same thing. Slap on The Veg and you won't know what the hell is going on ... for a little while. Use it liberally, rub it in nice, give your face a nice massage after your shave, don't give in to first reactions. 20-30 minutes later, cup your hands over your face covering your nose, and see what happened to it.

Listen to the man..
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