This is my general understanding of what these terms should look/feel like in the real world. Feel free to add/subtract/correct any part for the edification of the community:
Close enough?
SAS - Socially Acceptable Shave
CCS - Close, Comfy Shave
Little or no visible stubble but follicles of the more heavily bearded may be seen. Some roughness, while not visible, can be felt at various points of the face.No visible patches of stubble, but quite a bit of roughness, especially if rubbing against the grain.
CCS - Close, Comfy Shave
DFS - Darn Fine Shave
No stubble visible; follicles may or may not be seen, depending on the beard. Less rough/generally smooth feel except for a couple of tough to get spots.
BBS - Baby Butt Smooth
No stubble and few follicles visible (again, depending). Smoothest possible feel all over. Looks and feels essentially beardless.
Close enough?
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