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Kitten Bath Time

SWMBO and I have a new member in the family, our new kitten Jiggle Pants. She is the most adorable farm kitten you'll ever see. She is playful and fun and naps like a champ. The only downfall is that she hasn't quite figured out her litter box. The problem isn't accidents in the house, however. The problem is her feeble attempts to cover up her mess in the litter box. She has a terrible habit of putting her paws in the wrong place when trying to cover up her messes. This all leads me to my reason for posting here. After putting up with the subtle scent of cat poo following her everywhere she went for a week, I decided to take affirmative action. Lacking the general supplies for kitten bathing, I took to what I know best; shave soap. I used my GP scuttle and whipped up a nice hot lather of Ian S. #1 and proceeded to lather this into JP's fur and paws. It was a struggle getting her to enjoy the process as much as her daddy does, but we powered through. In the end, after she endured the most likely frightening experience, JP now has the softest, best smelling fur of all the kitties in the neighborhood. And most importantly, SWMBO loves it but I am afraid that I have now taken on the duties of all future kitten bathing.

Thanks for reading!
B&B, meet Jiggle Pants!
Please tell me you didn't use your shaving brush to clean your kittens poopy feet! Cute cat regardless.
I think you are looking for imgur with that cat pic, no? :lol:

Cute story but as Dave said, I hope you didn't use your brush on that cat. And if you did, I hope you never sell that brush on the BST!
Heavens no, I wouldn't even think of such a thing!
I'm hoping this will give me some leverage with SWMBO to approve more soap purchases!
What's the cat's name?

Quote of the day award! Laughed like a maniac on the train just now.

I was looking for the picture of a shaved Jiggle Pants, all that great lather on all that hair you must have been tempted to give a quick 1 or 2 pass shave!

Seriously though, cute kitten and love that SWMBO was on board with the shaving soap idea. Gotta be better than God knows what chemicals they would put into an animal wash. Well done Sir.
LOL! Good one, Bob.

By the way, cute kitty. Very cute.

Oh, and just in case you don't know, you have a lot more facial real estate that could be shaved. You know, if you enjoy shaving, and all......

Yeah, I am currently trying to grow out my beard to see what kind of growth I can get. I have a neck beard from hell, however. It basically connects my beard to my chest hair so I still get plenty of shaving in, thankfully!
cats? baths? separately they are terrific. together, I found them to be terrible. perhaps a kitten is less likely to leave scars on you when he/she protests. be careful. maybe your kitty will get accustomed to a bath.

Ian S soap? cool! good choice.

Pretty kitty.
I'll have to look into adding pet shampoo to my lineup. I use scraps, ends, spills, etc from batches for everything from honing solution to strop cleaning, face wash, wood conditioner, insect repellant, and more but kitten cleaning is one I have not tried.
I bathe cats often. I love it, they love it. The only downside is their fur sticks to my tongue....
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Some cats enjoy it, some don't.

I tried to bathe my cat a month ago for the 1st time. Just a few inches of warm water in the bathtub.
When I placed him in slowly, he growled and eventually spun around and bit and scratched me.

I figure I'll just use wet wipes from now on, if there's any stink factor going on.
start young and they will tolerate it not sure they ever like it i have a cat that is 21 lbs and he leaves scratches in stainless steel sink
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