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Job Fair

First of all a little background, I'm working on my second bachelor's degree in Accounting. I was in the workforce for 8 years, and decided it was time for a change. I'll be attending my first job fair at school next week and would like to hear opinions on what I should wear while meeting potential employers. I have a nice black suit that I can wear with a white dress shirt and tie, or I have brown or grey trousers I can wear with a blue blazer with a shirt and tie (either a striped shirt, or plain white). I plan on wearing the black suit to any interviews, so I was wondering if it was better to wear something different to the job fair. Thanks in advance!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Depends on what the 'done thing' in your field and geographic area is. Is everyone else going to show up in dockers and polo shirts? Go blazer & slacks. Is everyone else going to show up in at least blazer and slacks? Go suit.

But if you are the guy in the suit among a whole bunch of employers and job-seekers in dockers & polos, it could end up looking like you don't "get it".
As Doc said, you want to stand out without looking like you "stand out". I think the guiding information would be if this is a job fair that has interviews as part of the fair, or are companies just at tables, and they might take your resume? If they have interviews, then you want to dress the part. If it is just to give out your resume, I would still doing something a little different. Whether that is a pocket square, or something else that sets you off a little. I know that when I am at job fairs recruiting (I am an HR Director) that if I get more then 10 resumes, I really can't remember which is which, unless something stands out to me. That isn't saying I don't call them for interviews, but that sure helps narrow my choices down.

Thank you very much for the fast replies Doc and Marty (insert Back to the Future joke here). I'll go suit and tie just to be safe, as I'm sure that's what most everyone will wear, but do something to set myself apart from the competition.

Thanks again!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
You want to be the best dressed job-seeker in the room, but not so much as it would stand out in the wrong way. (Like, wearing a suit & tie to a beach party or some such thing!!)

Thank you Doc and Marty (insert Back to the Future joke here).

Don't wear a life preserver, Calvin.
If I had a second suit in just about any other color, I'd wear that, but since that's not an option I'll go with what I have.
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