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B&B Tease-in-Residence
I was wondering....with all the Mammoth Ivory that is being made into scales, are elephant ivory allowed to be produced at all. Say if an elephant were to die of natural causes.

I use to sell western boots and elephant skin wasnt allowed to be used anymore for obvious reasons. Now, i know Dan Post and Lucchese boots produce a friendly elephant boot. Supposedly they receive the skins from elephant preserves.

Im just wondering.
You can use pre-ban ivory. I have a lot of razors in ivory (9 in Elephant, 1 in hippo, 2 in Mammoth Ivory - so 12 total) and personally I think Elephant is the nicest by a vast margin.... it's very simple, yet exceptionally elegant.

More and more I am becoming attracted to simple, yet elegant razors. The over the top "pimpy" razors just don't do much for me.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I know you can do pre-ban ivory. I was talking more about the ivory from elephants now.

Since you mentioned it....how is Hippo.....same thing...or able to use it.
I know you can do pre-ban ivory. I was talking more about the ivory from elephants now.

Since you mentioned it....how is Hippo.....same thing...or able to use it.

You can use new hippo ivory. I don't know about the laws of naturally deceased elephants - I am sure you can find out more on google or wikipedia.
I'm am pretty sure you can't use new ivory regardless of source. Reason being that it is too hard to confirm the source - that it really did die of natural causes, or whatever. It is a means to try to decrease the incentive for poaching.

I wouldn't even ship pre-ban ivory internationally unless a) it's EXTREMELY well documented, b) you don't mind a customs hold up and red tape, and c) you wouldn't mind too much if you never got it back.
I have read about them holding elephant hunts to cull herds that had gotten too big in areas that can't support it and selling the tusks to help pay for conservation as well as selling ivory that had been confiscated to help as well. I don't think the US allows even that into the country but I am not sure.
It depends on your country. In the U.S you can use Elephant Ivory however it can only come form South Africa when they cull the heards periodically. The rub is the documentation required is prodigious. If you import Elephant Ivory into the U.S it will automatically be seized and you will have to prove its origen and it will probably be months before you get the shipment. Most people aren't willing to go through all that hastle so they use other types of material. In many other countries , like Canada for instance its just banned altogether. Remember that mammoth ivory is really ivory that is in the process of becoming fossilized so depending on how long its been in the ground and where it is varying parts of it may be rock already.
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