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I'd like to take the plunge.just need a push

Where was it suggested that you should NOT shave daily with a straight?
Time to cancel your subscription to that website.

In fact, if you are serious about shaving with a straight you should either do it daily, or not at all.
Getting a truly good shave with a straight will take up to 100 shaves and watering this learning process down every week with 5-6 DE shaves in between doesn't strike me as a smart proposition.

Granted, you will need to make a generous time allowance for straight shaves that is almost double the allowance that it takes for a similar DE shave.

Straight shaving can never be explained as a matter of convenience. as it will always be less convenient than DE shaving.
But once you are a convert, you may realize that the satisfaction of a straight shave far surpasses that of a DE shave.

But this all comes at a price and the initial learning curve may want you to throw in the towel and give up a few times.
Straight shaving is not for easy quitters, it takes tenacity and perseverance.

But once you are a convert, there is little that will dissuade you.

Good luck.


I don't shave daily with a straight. :001_smile I usually shave every second day, since I can get away with it and I find it's better for my skin. I think it is however beneficial to switch to shaving with a straight exclusively (as soon as possible) however often you do it once you get a bit more comfortable with the process.

In the beginning, many find it helpful to finish up with a DE to get any areas that you might have missed with a straight as you are learning. I never did, but don't feel any shame if you feel you want to. Nothing wrong with that.

But going back and forth with DEs may just make the learning curve take longer. That's all.
[QUOTEStraight shaving is not for easy quitters, it takes tenacity and perseverance.

But once you are a convert, there is little that will dissuade you.

Good luck.


That's what I want to hear.
Quit...? Numquam deficere ! :wink2:
I agree with Brutus. I don't know too many weekend straight shavers. That strikes me as an invitation for weekly discomfort (if not worse).

Once the learning curve is flattened, and as quickly as safely possible, there's nothing like it.
you don't need a push to fall in the rabbit hole. just step in the rest will come naturally. welcome, enjoy the stay it will be a long one, many visit few leave. now pull the straight you hid under your pillow and get shaving.
daily shaving with a truly sharp straight is not a problem.i use the same straight daily and have never rested it....no problems from this habit.cheers and jump in the water is fine.
In the beginning, many find it helpful to finish up with a DE to get any areas that you might have missed with a straight as you are learning. I never did, but don't feel any shame if you feel you want to. Nothing wrong with that.

Agree with Attila on a finishing pass with a DE razor during the first few weeks - absolutely nothing wrong with that - but it needs to be understood that this serves the same purpose as training wheels on a bicycle, that is to say a temporary tool to facilitate the transition.

Later on, one could use the occasional finishing pass with a DE to to determine the crossover point when the longevity and closeness of straight shaves starts to surpass that of DE shaves.

When that point comes you know you've made the grade.

Good luck on this journey...

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