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How Often Do You Use Arko?

Weekly. I enjoy it for what it is. A good performing, cheap soap. I enjoy cheap soaps, expensive soaps and everything in between.
Does "never" count as an answer?

I admit Arko sticks perform not too badly, but the stink just puts me off.

After the first two sticks, I once bought an entire box thinking I could get used to it, but in the end I just gave up and dumped the remaining sticks in the trash. (Apologies, but I work overseas and otherwise would have offered the remaining sticks for a PIF.)

And I know; true Arko lovers will now tell me that a) it is the finest scent in the land or b) I can always air Arko out.

But if I can get a Palmolive stick with a much more pleasant scent for less than $1, why should I?

Suum cuique..
How often do I use it? That would be never again. The stuff dried my skin out so much it made me look like I was coming off a three day beach sun burn. Peeling skin on the face is no fun.
For the last week, every day!! In the middle of a 3017 of Arko, but I'm not making a dent, so I don't know if I'll be able to finish it... I have 40+ soaps and creams screaming my name!!!
Great soap, even better value and practicality. :)
(Smooshed mine in a ziplock container.)
Ok I see. Im sorry that this thread is redundant.
No, I should have inserted a smiley ... your thread is certainly not more redundant than many on this forum, but I must admit that I was rather surprised by your question indeed ;-)
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I like it, but only use it for convenience of face lathering while traveling. In my shave den I use a puck, brush and shaving cup. Although I don't find the scent off-putting, other soaps' fragrances are more beguiling. Still, tremendous lubricity, easy to lather and an incredible value
I haven't used it in a while now.. It's a good performer and I don't mind the scent. However, it just always dried my skin out.. If not for that it would be in rotation still.
Probably once every 2 weeks or thereabouts, and EVERY time I use it I ask myself why I don't use it all the time.
I've too many others that distract me, but this is stuff I'd happy use exclusively. It's almost a crime that it's so cheap, but I'm not complaining.
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