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Hot Or Not: Shave Cave Edition

Antique Hoosier

HOT Mama Bears "Ye Olde Barber Shoppe" Soap

NOT Geo. F. Trumper Rose Soap (hasn't been out of my den in close to 4 years but all SOLD or gave away)
HOT:Cella, Mama Bears soaps and Taylor's Avacado, Injector razors, Pinuad Clubman

NOT:Any SE or adjustable DE razor
HOT: Merkur 25C open-comb, Personna blue lab blades, Cyril R. Salter creams
NOT: Gillette Superspeed, Clubman Special Reserve (too hot)
HOT: Gillette Aristocrat Junior & eShave Verbana Lime
NOT: Gillette Fatboy, Kent Boar Brush (sheds like a dog !!!)
Hot: Klar classic soap and matching a/s
Personna Med/Lab grade blades

Not: Tabac soap, cream and a/s
any asb--just too hot and humid
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