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Hi Guys - New Here

Tried my first DE shave today. I bought a starter kit from Maggard - MR3, sample pack blades, London Barbershop soap and synthetic brush. I used Nivea Sensitve Aftershave Gel.

It didn't go that great. I cut myself in 3-4 places. I used a Rockwell Blade and worked up a good lather on the soap. I tried to keep the razor at a 30 degree angle.

I'm also only on one day of growth. I'm wondering if it was more the blade. It also came with Astra Platinums (which I've heard are nice).

Any suggestions for this newbie? I don't plan on giving up.

Thanks everyone!
Welcome to B&B. Don't worry about not getting a great shave first time; I don't suppose many people do when starting out with a DE razor. It's not a mysterious art, but it does take a little time to pick up the method of getting a good shave. I wouldn't start swapping things around just yet; that way lies confusion. Having said that, I would not have started with Rockwell blades; the Rockwell razor is excellent, but I've found the blades to be mediocre.
So, just keep on shaving, with as little pressure as you can manage while just keeping the blade in contact with your face.
Welcome to the forums! I too started with the same kit. Keep with it, work on your angle, and I have found almost all my cuts have come from bad contact because I rushed, or because I put too much pressure on and dug the skin. So, keep at it, keep practicing and you will be ketchup free in no time.
Hello and welcome to B&B.... Good info above, angle, pressure and patience. I've been wet shaving for over 50 years and I nicked myself a few times with an antique razor a couple of weeks ago because it needed a slightly different angle. Hang in there and it will come to you.
Hello and welcome. Great to have you here on B&B. Wander on over to the Hall of Fame and introduce yourself.
Welcome aboard amigo...... Patience, practice and no pressure. It will come. Stick with the Astra SP. Those Rockwell blades aren't the best of blades for most. Works for some, but that's a small minority....:thumbsup:
welcome to B&B and DE shaving. just take your time with the shave and it will all come to you. some blades are better and others are worse, but they all work in one form or another; you'll just have to find what's best for you. have fun with it, it's a great hobby!

there's a ways a plan B.
If you only got 3 or 4 weepers, you did a heckofalot better than I did on my first attempt with DE.
The corners of my mouth were so cut up I couldn't shave again for 3 or 4 days... :censored:
But I got better at it thanks to these guys and their good advice and guidance.
My biggest stumbling block was too much pressure... I'm still learning but now I only bleed every 3 or 4 days... :a46:
Actually, it's much better than that.
Courage, mon Ami!! and Patience.
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