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hey all!

i've been lurking for a while, this is a great board, thank you all for the great information (until i got here, i had no clue what "knot size" meant ... i was like, dang, the Boy Scout manual doesn't say anything about that...)

at any rate, i am a newbie wetshaver. started about four months ago with a Prorasso tub of shaving soap and an Omega boar brush i picked up at Target on a whim.

liked it, so i decided to check out the internet about more wetshaving info and ended up ditching my Mach 3 for a Merkur HD with Merkur Platinum blades. that was quickly followed by me ditching the boar brush and getting a Vulpix Super Badger (375)

my wife got me a silver-plated Knickerbocker shaving mug at an antique store, so i figured i'd shave with an antique razor too, so i got a 1917 Gillette on E-bay, and boy, was than an adjustment. i almost gave up after the first few days, but then i "got the hang of it" and now I can shave easily without nicks or cuts of any sort, except very rarely for a minor knick (I am still mastering my technique)

i still use Prorasso soap, though I tried a few others (D.R. Harris and Taylor of Old Bond Street). i just like the way my skin feels with the Prorasso during and after the shave.

i would appreciate any feedback or suggestions on my procedure or equipment. here is a summary

1. Neutrogena extra gentle face cleanser
2. Taylor of Old Bond Street pre-shave herbal balm
3. Prorasso shaving soap
4. with Vulfix Super Badger brush
5. shave with 1917 Gillette
6. using Merkur Super Platinum blades
7. Neutrogena Razor Guard after-shave

ok, well, thanks for a great board, looking forward to any comments or suggestions
Welcome. Sounds as though you're off to a good start. So far as equipment and supplies, what you have is good, and you can explore from there. My blog has some of the things I like, and in the forum you'll find plenty of discussion of the various choices.
Welcome to the B&B Andy.

The best thing is to jump right in and ask questions, or maybe do a search and see if the info you're looking for has already been asked. There's a mountain of information here, and just as many opinions!

Keep us posted on your progress, and thanks for joining the fray


I'd suggest checking out another after shave balm such as Baxter of California. The reviews are outstanding for it and I use it a lot.

Also, check out the Reviews tab at the top. You can get a feel for the products that people here like and dislike. Very well done.

BTW glad you found the place! Look forward to hearing more from you.


The wife's investment
Hi Andy,

Looks like your off to a good start. For equipment suggestions, since you seem to like the older stuff, I would recommend getting a Gillette adjustable. I have a 1962 and my son has a 1965. I paid $5 for each at two different antique stores. My son called me at work the first time he used his to tell me it was the best shave he ever had. Granted, he is only 19, but he was using a 1958 Super Speed and before that Mach 3's.
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