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Hi guys, I'm DE shaver and want to try straight razor shave also. I don't have any new razor but I've found my grandfather's razor which he brought from Germany during Second world war. Please see images and help, is it right size to start with? Also i need to strap but the only question for now- will it be shave-friendly? Thanks in advance!

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Put that one away, and treasure it. It has served admirably, but is done. Sure, it may be made to shave, but there are easier razors to learn from.
Regardless off condition or ability to be honed up nice (it looks like it is DONE)...that size and shape isn't one you want to learn with.

i found learning on a somewhat larger blade (5/8 or bigger) easier.

The scales look nice (from what you've shown), perhaps one day you could have them put on a vintage blade and still carry on G-pa's legacy.
As stated...retirement....but also as stated...perhaps if you keep you eyes peeled you can find the same brand of blade and transfer the scale ....

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
You don't want a strap. You want a STROP.

What they said, about the razor. Keep it for heirloom purposes, get something a little nicer for shaving with. Wider, certainly. Less beat all to hell, absolutely. Another vote for a whipped dog or better yet, two whipped dogs. That's a great way to get started. His "cosmetically flawed" razors are a good bet. Your razors will be shipped shave ready. My rec is to get a regular sight unseen, and also a "flawed" one, which will still shave just fine. Later, maybe spring for a new Bismarck, or a customized Gold Dollar. That will give you a rotation for not too much coin. You might also see if Buca3152 has any shave ready Gold Dollars to sell. I would say in general a WD will be a better shaver, but the GD is a known quantity and slightly cheaper, last time I checked. Maybe get a GD from Buca3152 and a whipped dog or two, and compare them. You should start out with more than one razor, if possible.
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