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Ham Check-in.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
It's just a regular forum..so no different than doing the post you did here, but I'm happy to start it if you like. I just didn't want to step on toes :).

I say start away! I have short toes: they rarely stick out enuff to be stepped on..... what say you, Mr. King? Love the call, by the way. You were fortunate to get it.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
I've always wanted to just get a no code Novice License. My Dad is K5IJX and my Grandfather was W5LGQ. I wanted to get my Grandfather's call letters after he passed away, but haven't gotten around to it. They used to be the curators of a few local repeaters at the top of a 1500 ft tower and when my brother and I were younger, we used to go up there with my Dad to do maintenance.

They both used to annoy the hell out of their neighbor's with their backyard towers and antennas. My Dad doesn't spent too much time on the radio anymore. Too many other hobbies. He's sailing model boats right now.

I have been so inactive in the Ham radio world as of late, but I think, mind you, I do NOT know, that the Novice class license has been done away with. I think the easiest ticket now is called Technician. But don't quote me. And if I can get a ticket to ride the airwaves, ANYONE can. I'm the artistic type. Not at all scientific, except for biology, and am only good at that because biology just SCREAMS creativity...


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I have been so inactive in the Ham radio world as of late, but I think, mind you, I do NOT know, that the Novice class license has been done away with. I think the easiest ticket now is called Technician. But don't quote me. And if I can get a ticket to ride the airwaves, ANYONE can. I'm the artistic type. Not at all scientific, except for biology, and am only good at that because biology just SCREAMS creativity...
From what I have read so far, I believe you're correct
Well if someone want to start one I'm good with it. Yes, the tech is the beggining stage. Than General than Extra. I'm an Extra Class and thought why not learn code. So I did. You will see my little straight key as my avatar. Plus I have a dual and single paddle electronic key. Now I'm working on being a VE. For those that dont know, Thats the guy that gives you the test. Voluneer Examiner.
Thanks for the props on the call. Its a vanity. I just had to have it. It works out great when doing digital modes. RTTY and PSK are the ones I do. And when someone sends my first name followed by my call it looks like my first and last. Some folks get a kick out of talking to The King. Old timers get a little upset. With the 1 in my call and I'm in 0 land. They get to swinging the antenna around and then find out where I am then have to move again to get me back in the beem. Tried a bit of HF today and conditions were so bad I gave up. I don't have a 75/80m antenna so night times don't work too well for me unless 40m is doing well. Hope to work you all on the air sometime in the near future.

I'm not good at this computer stuff and I work crazy hours so if someone want to set up the forum for us thats great. Most the time I'm doing this from my phone.
At the Hamfest i sold a few things. And bought a few. I was up by 120 bucks than found could small things i had to have and than found a 1957 Knight R-100 model shortwave radio that was in pristiene condition. Had to have it. Got it home and it works just as it should. So when i left the swapmeet i lot 40 bucks but got needed stuff and a great SW reciever. Enjoyed the day.
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