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Guess that movie quote

Work is overrated, Dave. Along the same lines:

"A varmint will never quit. Ever. They're like the Viet Cong...Varmint Cong."
OK, here's the last gimme of the morning. And I am getting back to work now, so play on if you know it.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over, and over?

Mike H

Instagram Famous
My wife loves this movie, this is the only line I remember...

"My father was an excellent swordsman, monsieur. He taught me well. Now hand me that key or I swear on his grave I will slit you from navel to nose."
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