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Grandpas Words of Wisdom

I absolutely adored my Grandpa. For many reasons, but lately I have been thinking about his pithy sayings. I will share one of my favorites and I hope you chime in.

Keep it PG, Gents.

Well, it is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
"Never refuse a free meal, it could be your last."

I never got to ask him if he meant last meal or last free meal...

"It's worse where there is none"
"You'll eat worse before you die"
"Carry on like that, and you'll know it lad!"
"Bloody Hun! Big square heads, but lots in 'em!" (Said at just about any mention of Germans)
My paternal Grandfather:

"Most men will work all their lives to pay for a lousy piece of ***."
"This too shall pass."

There's more but I don't remember them. I never actually knew my paternal Grandfather as he passed before I was born (died of a broken heart over my paternal Grandmother passing before him - he died on her next birthday after her passing) but my father always recounts his sayings and says he was quite a character.



Got lucky with dead badgers
Grandfather to my father when I was in my teens. You should hire teenagers while they still know everything


"A Boy Named Sue"
You can shoot a doe...the bucks are for me.

Don't stand right there you'll be crushed.

So, you cut your finger....let's put some rubber glue on that.

My dog will not bite you. Now give him a good pet.

Go knock down that big wasp nest with this stick.

Do You want to know what's in my cowboy stew?

The pull cord on the mower is not broken.

What do mean you don't want a glass of buttermilk and cornbread?
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Eat and grow strong.

When I wanted to buy a yo-yo or any new toy. "What is this thing, a yo-yo (or whatever object it was)? You can't eat it? What good is it?"


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
"If they love you enough to give it, you love them enough to take it."

"Burn like a fern if you don't turn."

"It's better to be tight then loose."

"It's better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it."

"God made the tip of your index finger and the hole in your nose the exact same size for a reason."
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Eat every bean and pea on your plate.

Run for the round house, Mother. He can't corner you there!

Do you know that a honeymoon salad is?

Lettuce alone without dressing.

She was only the stableman's daughter, but all the horse men knew her.

She was only the bootleggers daughter, but all the men knew her still.

I can't blow them all in one post, I can't believe I didn't see this one earlier :)


Needs milk and a bidet!
Not really wisdom, just a funny story.....

A long time ago (maybe 10-12 years) my grandpa was working part time at Sears Hardware (remember those?) at the big ole mall in town. He called my grandma after work one day claiming someone stole his truck and he needed a ride home. My mom went out to get him and they drove around the parking lot for a few minutes before coming home.....And what did they find...his truck. He just forgot where he had parked it. But instead of admitting that he says "hmmm, someone must have moved it". :lol:
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