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Flash Carnival Contest number 6.02e+23 - Gemagadro's Number

Who the heck is Gemagadro, and why does he need a number?

The answer you seek is in another thread

A true geek would have posted Avogadro's number as: 6.02e+23, but that's ok. :biggrin:

Congrats to the winners!

Are you questioning my geekiness?

OK, I'll fess up: I work with some pretty high tech software. That should count fer something.

BUT - I don't have a crackberry or iPhone and I don't twitter. I haven't visited ./slashdot, ArsTechnica, Tom's Hardware or Sharkey Extreme in months. I've installed linux but I have never compiled the OS kernel from source code. That is surely damning evidence I'm not a true geek. :frown: Hanging my head in shame.

I'll announce the winner later this evening. I'm leaving the thead open to continue the conversation on the relative merits of employing various scientific numbers to manage shaving forum contest inventory.
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