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First Try With A Shavette

I got a Personna Monsieur Charles today. I just went WTG, and had minimal blood loss--one nick on the cheek and a little one where my ear meets my head (obligatory van Gogh tribute, there). Both were from losing a sense of where the blade tip was. Dang, it's tough to see what I'm doing! Application of the Veg met with no real burn.

I know, I know...I need a proper straight. Gimme a break since I've got two kids college tuition taking all of my disposable income.

I'm generally satisfied, and challenged, by the experience. I'll be back for more!
Nothing but kudos given from here.

Shavettes are notorious for being unforgiving. It sounds as though you've done quite well.

If any advice: no pressure. None. Nada. And mind the blade corners.
I'm in the same boat with you. I just shaved for the first time with a Dovo shavette and it was great. Despite not being a perfect shave, for my first time I had no cuts and it was a great experience. I don't have the cash for a real straight razor but this is definitely a great learning tool. Glad you enjoyed your experience and I will also be shaving with it again.
Congrats on the shave. Glad the shavette is working for you. I'll have two in school next year, so I will be feeling your pain.
Shavettes can easily give great shaves. I also find them less forgiving of technique than traditional straights, so if you can tame them and get them solid, you are ahead of the game by far. Congrats, keep them going!


I got moves like Jagger
Congrats! I kept fish-gilling myself with a shavette when I started out. Ended up getting smarter as time went on and figured out that I could mute the tips of the blade on a corner of the bathroom mirror. Shhhhh! Don't tell my SWMBO!!!

Once you get comfortable with shavettes, moving to fixed blade straights will be a breeze. Notice that I didn't say REAL straights... to me, a shavette is a real straight.
Good job Sir!
That shavette is where it's at. No need to make any apology for it. Don't feel bad about a nick. Your doing very well.
Congrats! I kept fish-gilling myself with a shavette when I started out. Ended up getting smarter as time went on and figured out that I could mute the tips of the blade on a corner of the bathroom mirror. Shhhhh! Don't tell my SWMBO!!!

Once you get comfortable with shavettes, moving to fixed blade straights will be a breeze. Notice that I didn't say REAL straights... to me, a shavette is a real straight.

I also don't call them "real" straights vs shavettes. I make the distinct by using "traditional straights". Since framebacks are traditional straights, but not always fixed blade, that was why I settled on the traditional term. :)
I use a DOVO myself and I've been getting the best shaves I've ever had, by far. I plan on keeping it even longer after I buy a fixed-blade straight, which won't happen for at least 1 yr 3 months because I have a 110 blade sample pack
Today, I just got my Dovo Shavette. Although I shaved last night with my Rockwell 6C DE, I wanted to try it despite very little razor stubble. This was my first attempt shaving with an open blade. I only did one pass and got a very tiny nick under my chin. It was so small that I did not need a styptic and there wasn't any visible signs of it after I washed and put aftershave on my face. Now, the quality of the shave was ok due to the fact it was my first time. Also, I used both hands to shave my face which was an experience because I am not ambidextrous. However, I know that you need to be able to use both hands to use this tool effectively. Anyway, I used my Rockwell safety razor to clean everything up. Yes, I missed spots, but I am encouraged that I can use a shavette with ok results for my very first time.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I have a LOT of straights. I like them. I like shaving with them. Touching them. Feeling, honing, stropping them. As gold is to Goldmember, straights are, to me. Nevertheless, when traveling or when aboard ship I go with a cheap shavette and a pack of Feather DE blades. Less gear to carry and damage. Quite a decent shave, too, now that I am probably several hundred shaves in with shavettes. The potential for a horrible shave is there, as well as the potential for a very satisfying shave. It's all on you. The price is right. Edge quality is consistent. Maintenance is dead simple. Accessories needed are few. If you like shavettes then go for it. Do you NEED to "upgrade" to a straight? No. But you will, someday. Resistance is futile. Meanwhile you have your shavette.
Good on ya for jumping In! Also, a comfortable shave with only one tiny nick - many a beginner were justifiably proud of a lesser opening performance (yours truly included).

Keep reading and practicing, and you’ll be hooked like the rest of us.

And don’t take any guff off anyone for using an inexpensive shavette, it will absolutely do the job, and from what I hear, if you can learn to get a good shave from a shavette, later in life a straight will be easy by comparison.
Thanks, Dzaw! I was comfortable with my new Rockwelll DE adjustable safety razor. I bought it last month, and it gives great shaves. However, I always wanted to try a straight razor but was afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle it. I decided on the Dovo shavette because it is relatively inexpensive and do not have to maintain the blades. I figure let me have a little variety in my shaving arsenal. I presently own, the Rockwell 6C, VDH butterfly, Parker 96R and of course my new addition, the Dovo Shavette. One day, I may graduate to a regular straight razor. Lol!


Goose Poop Connoisseur
Thanks, Dzaw! I was comfortable with my new Rockwelll DE adjustable safety razor. I bought it last month, and it gives great shaves. However, I always wanted to try a straight razor but was afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle it. I decided on the Dovo shavette because it is relatively inexpensive and do not have to maintain the blades. I figure let me have a little variety in my shaving arsenal. I presently own, the Rockwell 6C, VDH butterfly, Parker 96R and of course my new addition, the Dovo Shavette. One day, I may graduate to a regular straight razor. Lol!
We certainly hope you do!
Ok, here is my Dovo Shavette update. Today was my fifth time that I used my shavette. I bought it a couple of weeks ago so I use it every 4 to 5th day because I have 4 DE razors as well. I shave everyday. I graduated to 2 passes WTG and ATG with just a barely noticeable nick on my ATG pass. I rate the shave as socially passable. I cleaned up with a quick pass from my Rockwell razor for a real smooth shave. I didn't get a strong burn from my aftershave. I am excited about this journey with my Shavette. I have 95 shaves to go to hit the magic 100. Thanks for putting up with this newbie's ramblings. Lol!
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