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First Shavette shave today

Today I decided to try a shavette, a WCS branded one with a Voskhod blade, Proraso Red and a PAA switchback 400 with a silvertip two band badger brush. While I have shaved with traditional straight razors for almost a year now and I am getting pretty good with them, a shavette, never. The idea came to me while traveling recently. I was thinking it was a bit of a pain to pack everything I would need to use my traditional straight. It would be easier if all I needed to worry about was finding a blade to buy locally, I know cvs or walgreens usually carry them.

So I ordered the cheapest one I could find which turns out to be the WCS branded one. Build quality seems rather nice, I must say. The shave turned out to be a little clumsy as I was trying to find the best angle which seems to be a lot steeper than I am used to with a regular straight. Got a two weepers but that was my fault. The shave turned out to be rather close. I guess I need to get used to the smaller blade and the steeper angle but I think this might work out for me for traveling.

Any advice you guys can give me would be appreciated.
Can't offer any real advice, not having tried one, but good on you for expanding your horizons! Keep at it, and I'm sure you'll master it in short order.
Hello Skyfire1, good on you for giving shavettes a go. I also agree that the idea of one for travel would be a lot easier than transporting traditional straights. I kind of went the opposite way to most guys on here & started out with sraights before discovering how fantastic shavettes are & have since sold all my traditional straights & now shave with shavettes exclusively. I started out with a the Dovo stainless with the long blades & thought it was pretty good at the time until I finally bought a Feather SS & from that first shave I was hooked. I now have 2 Feather SS in black & green as well as a DX which should arrive shortly. I use the pro super blades & find myself being alot less worried about being nicked with the Feather as opposed to the Dovo. Ive read quite a few posts of the diehard traditional straight guys using the Feathers as their travel razors which makes a lot of sence to me.
Congratulations, I started out using a shavette before moving to a traditional SR. I still love to use it for cleanup and just because it requires a different approach I enjoy.
Congratulations! Glad to here it went well for you. My face seems to like a really sloppy lather with shavettes. I find I like to lather my face, shave one side cheek and jaw. Then I re lather and do the other side cheek and jaw. Re lather a bit and do final chin and lip. It doesn’t really add any time and I get much better results. Instead of rushing to beat the drying lather I can really take my time.
Also shavette will teach you true zero pressure. Before I used to find myself using a bit of pressure and too much angle to compensate for a duller razor.
With shavette it’s always SHARP. Now I am better with “real” straights because I refuse to compensate for a dull blade. My face is much better for it.
Best of luck!
Well done! As with your SR shaves, the technique will adjust over time. Thankfully you don’t exactly have to start back at ground zero when switching back and forth, the same skills apply generally speaking.
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