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First experience with a Dovo shavette

I got an early X-Mas gift today and a chance to shave for the first time with a shavette. I used a Personna blade and my usual Proraso soap. I shaved about 3/4 of my face and finished the other 2 passes with my Merkur.
I really like the experience and I'm going to give myself the time to get use to it.

I can only report a tiny nick which is a good thing.

I'm really happy I found B&B, thanks guy for the shaving education!

I also use a Dovo Shavette. I am trying various blades and have not yet decided which one is the best. I also got a straight the other day from a friend that bought it and used it once. I just had it honed and have only used it three times.

I think the Shavette is great.
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