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Feather Artist Club Pass Around/Tour

My final thoughts on this razor.

I used a single blade (Feather Professional Blade) with the silver handle razor over 4 shaves. Usually I must go 2 or 3 days between shaves due to irritation but I found myself shaving daily with this razor. The blade after 4 shave was still ultra sharp and I found that I could use very aggressive angles and still cut my whiskers and still not irritate my skin. As other have mentioned a light touch is a must and remember to never rest/stop the blade when it's against your skin. If you're anything like me even when relaxed my hands/arms will shake just a small amount and that's all it will take to slice yourself.

poonjaji, thank very much for allowing me to partake in this pass around. What an excellent community, I'm very happy I found you guys.
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Tried it the black handle worth the ProGuard blade on Saturday night. A close shave (ok, too close in some spots) and plan on trying again tonight.
I am just at 45 days since I joined. If this is still going around in another 45 days I would love to try it. I have just started using a straight and I love it. I have yet to even nick myself.
List updated.


See the first post for details regarding the tour. Please contact me if you are interested in participating in the tour.
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The package was waiting for me when I got home from a weekend away. I had already shaved today, but it was a rushed 1 pass shave that should have been better. I loaded a feather pro blade into the RG and did a 1 pass WTG pass.

I loved how the RG felt in my hand and how effortless it was to shave with it. I've only used a straight razor for a year or so, but there didn't seem to be any learning curve for me. I only did the one pass because I'd rather not push my luck and get razor burn by shaving twice in five hours. I'll shave with the SS tomorrow and see how hard it is to switch blades between the two.

Thanks for the opportunity to use these razors!
I am glad you have had a chance to use them. Any updates on your experience with the razors?

The razors were exactly what I've been wanting. I got some of the closest shaves I've ever had with little to no irritation using these razors. I could move them where I wanted with ease, I never realized how bulky scales can feel on a straight razor until I shaved with one of these. I had great shaves with both of the feather blades, but the Kai Mild blades shaved incredibly roughly. I tried one of the blades in the SS once and I just figured that I had a bad lather. The second shave was worse, so I switched to the RG loaded with a Pro blade and all was well.

Either the DX or SS (or both) will find themselves the only hardware on a soap filled binge come January.

Sorry about not mailing the razors out to dweebs0r yet. I just sent him a PM and I'll get it in the mail as soon as I hear back. Thanks for letting this passaround happen, it was really nice to try them out before I spent the money.
List updated.

dweebs0r (awaiting delivery)

See the first post for details regarding the tour. Please contact me if you are interested in participating in the tour.
Checking into the thread, gents. Received the razors today. I will try them out this weekend. I will get them passed along to the next person by Wednesday of next week if that is not too long. Thanks again for the chance to be a part of this. Very generous of you, @poonjaji!
Ok, first shave this morning. I have some experience using the feather AC folding so I went for the feather RG and the professional blades right off the bat. Here are a few of my thoughts thus far:

I dont like shaving with my non-dominant hand. Switching the razor from hand to hand and stretching my skin just doesnt work for me. I may get better at this but as of now, its not comfortable. I do an acceptable job stretching the skin with my left and shaving with my right.

Since I have started with the wet shaving hobby, I have noticed that I want to use more and more aggressive razors. My skin type has not changed (duh). I have always classified myself as having "sensitive skin". I dont know if my technique is improving or I am becoming more acutely aware of a less than par shave. The feather pro blades give me the best shave I have ever had with some caveats.

I have some issues shaving around my ear for the sideburn. I cut the top of my ear a few times with my old feather folding. I tend to leave a little weeper on the right side of my face under my jaw. This has everything to do with my poor technique. Problem areas for me to shave clean are usually along my jaw bone. With this feather, it is a closer and smoother shave than any of my DE razor (from a fatboy on 7 to a red tip).

I like the non-folding handle much better than the folding for shaving around my ear. This is one of those days that I "regret I only have one face to shave". I made three passes with the pro blade and the third pass was probably a little too much. I had zero cuts and irritation until the third pass and with that one I ended up with a few. The alum block stung a bit!

Overall first impressions are wow, I really want one of these now. I am thinking of selling my DE's except for a couple and buying this set. I really like the travel case too. Where did you get that @poonjaji?
Day 2 shave:

Used a thin layer of Maca root shave cream. I only made two passes today. Other than irritating a few of my problem areas from yesterday, I had one of my best shaves to date. A wee bit of residual around my adams apple but otherwise BBS.

Like I said in my previous post, I really want a Cobra razor because that would take these feather pro blades and put them at a more familiar angle for me. I am thinking that will be my holy grail shave.
List updated.

dweebs0r (shaving)

See the first post for details regarding the tour. Please contact me if you are interested in participating in the tour.

Overall first impressions are wow, I really want one of these now. I am thinking of selling my DE's except for a couple and buying this set. I really like the travel case too. Where did you get that @poonjaji?

The travel case came from razorbladesandmore.com, but I have not seen them for a while. You might contact them to see if they can get one for you.

Like I said in my previous post, I really want a Cobra razor because that would take these feather pro blades and put them at a more familiar angle for me. I am thinking that will be my holy grail shave.

The Cobra razors - since there is now a second model - are my holy grail for using the Feather blades with the ease of a safety razor. Feel free to message me if you are interested in trying one. I cannot recall if you participated in the pass around to give it a try. :wink2:
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The Cobra razors - since there is now a second model - are my holy grail for using the Feather blades with the ease of a safety razor. Feel free to message me if you are interested in trying one. I cannot recall if you participated in the pass around to give it a try. :wink2:

PM sent re: Cobras. Thank you! I gave my face Monday off from shaving. I will use the blade one last time tonight and report my results. Really enjoying the feather pros. Takes a light touch! Easily shaves off two-three days of missed shaves.
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Arrived today, thanks Jody!

Feather Artist SS, Feather Pro, Razorock XXX, SOC Boar.

Oh my.
wondering if this might have been a game changer. I loved the feel of the Feather Pro blade when we did the cobra Classic passaround, so Ithought why not on the Feather Artist passaround too, especially since I have been dabbling in straights.
It arrived on my doorstep alongside the IB order. Razorock XXX smells great - haven't had one quite this good other than my fave MW Bay Rum - and it lathers more easily than practically any soap I've tried.

Then came the razor - feels lightweight, but not flimsy. Had a slightly hard time getting the right angle at times.

Nimble around the face and easy to control, loving the non folding handle style. Less convoluted than a folding straight.
After 4 easy passes that felt like cheating, I'm left with a face that's BBS in places, DFS everywhere else.
Closest shave I've had in weeks, zero irritation, one nick where I went in nowhere near steep enough.

Can't wait for tomorrow.
Awesome! My final shave was as expected. Much easier and faster. No irritations. A few teeny tiny nicks but otherwise great, close shave. I am going to hold my ADD in check and resist the urge to go out and purchase this complete set. I want to try the Cobra razors first before spending a ton more money. The amount I have spent on this hobby over the last year is borderline ridiculous.
Its probably past time to reign it in a bit. :) Thanks again for the opportunity to join in the pass around.
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