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Do any of you guys shave with an 8/8 razor on a regular basis?

I've got one 8/8 razor, a Friodur, the rest of my blades are 5/8 or 6/8. The 8/8 just seems huge, somewhat smaller than a meat cleaver, but a bit like Sweeney Todd's favorite.

Is it just a matter of getting used to such a beast as a daily razor, or is it something you break out only on Holloween?
I did for many many months. They make perfectly fine daily shavers - if you like that size. If you prefer another size, then you'll probably find that they only come out for special occasions or for a change-of-pace shave, and that's fine too.
Personal Preference, I like bigger blades especially 7/8, 8/8 are great to. It is all what you like and what you are comfortable with. Some will say this size or this size is better, anything bigger then 6/8 is to big anything smaller then 5/8 is to small. I have got great shaves with all sizes including 10/8. It real is about what you like or if you like them all like me what mood am I in:thumbup1:
Define regular basis? I own approx 4 razors 8/8 or more, and I tend to use at least one every few weeks.

You certainly COULD use them daily, it's really a personal thing. You don't NEED a razor that big... some prefer them. My "go-to" size is a 5/8. It's small (but not too small) easy to maneuver and a heck of a lot of fun to use. The big monsters are fun to use every so often, but personally - I think they're a bit silly, and are more a function of ascetics. Think of it like this - on a custom razor, you WANT a bigger blade, as it'll show off more of the damascus, or whatever embellishments are on the blade, will have bigger/fatter scales, and so on and so forth. For a custom - bigger razors just plumb look better. Customs usually are the "highest end" and when you couple that, with the fact that huge razors look "manly/intimidating" and are uncommon, it makes for a razor many long for.

For me however, my favorite SHAVING razors are usually between 4/8 - 6/8, and my favorite LOOKING razors are usually between 7/8-10/8.

The one "big" razor I can see myself shaving with quite a bit more than my others however, is my 10/8 Ellis "Mad Max." It's just so much lighter, and more maneuverable than my other choppers (especially my huge RW) that it really makes it a joy to use. Other than the Ellis though - my Maestro, Henckels, and RW Choppers are just big and clumsy feeling. Sure, they're a blast to use once in awhile, especially if I haven't shaved for a few days for some reason, but by and large, I prefer smaller razors.
I have one 8/8s and use it on rare occasion. I find the scales are so big they just get in the way and I'm constantly readjusting the scales to get around my face.
I tend to use a bigger blade mostly when I haven't shaved for a longer time.

However, a good 5/8 or 6/8 will also tackle say a week's growth without hesitation, I just have to wipe it more often. I don't find myself using 8/8s daily, but then again I almost never shave daily too...



Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
now that everyone's finished making an asc of themselves ...

... I have a couple 8/8 razors: a Filarmonica (or is it 7/8? It's freakin' big, anyhow) and a Henckels 8/8 with custom staghorn scales (that one is huge ... like shaving with a steak knife!!!) I like them well enough, but now I find myself reaching for the 5/8 and 6/8 razors more often.
I tend to prefer 6/8 or 7/8. I only have one 8/8 and I tend to save it for my weekend shaves or when I've got a couple of days worth of growth.

Its a Chandler custom and its very well balanced - to the point I don't notice the size of the razor that much.
At the moment I only have one 8/8 (a French SS full hollow round point L'alpin) and it shaves beautifully. I prefer a slightly smaller blade for everyday, a 7/8 or 6/8.
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