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DKeester's Shave Journal

I have to say that the Spice Rack scent is still not my favorite, but it is uniquely BlueBell and quite shave-worthy. If BlueBell hadn't closed their doors I probably never would have bought it, but I am glad that I have it and will enjoy using it. Great soap!
Journal Entry #55

Razor: Ming Shi 2000s @6
Blade: GSB (2)
Brush: RazoRock Finest Badger
Soap/Cream: Stirling Sharp Dressed Man sample
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: AV 5-in-1 Sensitive ASB
AS 3: none
Fragrance: Polo Black clone

I am not sure why anyone would want a blade gap this big. I shaved with it on 6 today. It was a close but rough shave that reopened two of my chin nicks from Saturday. I have never shaved with a DEvette, but setting 6 has to be somewhat similar. Overall, the shave was still good, but 6 is just too much for my face. I like the razor. It is a good addition to my collection. I will be using it between 2 and 4 most of the time.

Because I am trying lots of fragrances and didn't want to spend a ton, I picked up a knock-off of Polo Black to try. I am wearing it for the first time today. It actually isn't bad, but I don't think it is a frag. that really works for me.

Home Front:
We got some serious hail in parts of Denver yesterday. Some of it was golf ball sized and seriously damaging in places. My house was out of the hail zone, but my wife's car got hit by some of it.

It looks like we might get a little more rain today.

Thanks for reading and commenting on my journal everyone. I hope you are all having a good week.
Nice read Doug. The Polo Black to me is just okay. I much prefer Polo Blaze and Polo Sport. Hail was reported near us yesterday but it never hit at our house. Although while I was grilling some chicken I did hear a lot of surrounding thunder.
Getting caught up Doug. Sorry about the Torrey mishap, but as others stated, we all have been there. Keep with it.
If that's the case then I own all my blades, some a few times over. The Ming Shi intrigues me, and since I don't have an adjustable razor I'll need to pick one up.
I got a Rockwell in stainless for my son on his last birthday, or a year ago Christmas, I can't remember. He was using the Futur I gifted him before that, but he seems to like it well enough. The only problem that I had was that when ordered, it was advertised to come with 100 blades, but when he opened it months after I bought it for him, it only had a pack of 5 blades.
Went back a few pages to catch up Doug- about your bloodbath...I once gashed myself under my nose so bad I thought I'd have to go to the emergency room! Slow and steady- feather light touch- let the razor do the work. I am consistently getting blood-free irritation-free straight shaves, but it took a lot of work to get there.

Great move on the unobtanium! great trade fodder I had never heard of BlueBell.
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