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Dignity and the Wet shave

May 18, 2024
Bonfire of the vanities

We had company over last night for a traditional Polish ognisko (bonfire). I finished up work a bit early and, despite several days of wet weather, was able to scrounge up some kindling. I made a nice teepee in the 5-foot fire pit my older son and I built from bricks and slate 8 years ago. Around the teepee, I arranged logs, assembling a nice 3-foot-high box. A match and 45 minutes later, I had a hot bed of coal and a simmering fire. I found a few long sticks, sharpened the ends and voila, we were ready to cook.

While the gnats and mosquitos made dinner of me, my wife prepped herrings; one in cream sauce, another in vinegar. She would have done some up in onions and oil, but I’m not a fan of those. Earlier, she had purchased some legitimate kiełbasa from the Polish store in Stamford, and picked up a 5th of Chopin Vodka and a bottle of sauvignon blanc from the liquor store. Some fresh bread and mustard from Caraluzzi’s market and we were good to go. Our guests brought marshmallows and apple turnovers.

“Pete” is a Cardiologist who used to work at my wife’s hospital and his wife, “Helena” is a mathematician who tutors entitled high school kids. Fearing a genetic pre-disposition for Alzheimers, Pete retired early at 55. This was his second week off, and he was already going stir crazy. He had spent the better part of his free time rearranging his house, and the rest of his time prepping for a lower stress job at a teaching hospital in the city where he would be showing interns how to read echos. Oh, and prepping for trips to Europe and Asia. Helena is a quiet, sweet woman who makes stunning custom greeting cards when she's not working. Imagine Hallmark and Norman Rockwell having handpainted lovechildren. Those are her cards.

Dinner was great, but by 9:30, we were saying our goodbyes. Pete and Helena drove away in their Tessla, while I put out the fire and straightened things up in the yard. My lovely wife did the dishes. By 11, we were showered and out cold.

At about 2:15am, the creamed Herring and polish sausage decided to have an after-hours party of their own in my gut. Two Tums and a Famatodine later, I was feeling better, but was officially awake.

Standing in my bathroom, I looked at the counter by my sink. Staring at me was an unopened stick of Arko that Amazon delivered earlier in the day. While I had absolutely no intention of shaving, I did want to check the soap out. I put a bit of water on my face, rubbed the stick on, and went at it with my Wald. The smell was a cross between Citronella and 1960’s laundry soap, with just a hint of urinal cake. Not a scent I would wear on a fist date, but I could live with it at 2:45 in the morning.

So, I’m looking at my well-lathered face in the mirror. I look at my sleeping wife. She’s out cold. On the counter is my LA Faulx with a well used blade in it. The razor whispers to me. “You know you want to…it’s almost morning anyway…”

When I was twenty, I would have looked at the razor, the woman in my bed, and made a completely different decision about how to spend the next 30 minutes. But I’m 61, have an enlarged prostate and have nobody to brag to anyway. I brought the razor to my face and had an all-together platonic 30 minutes of joy.

Loved the ARKO!
When I was twenty, I would have looked at the razor, the woman in my bed, and made a completely different decision about how to spend the next 30 minutes. But I’m 61, have an enlarged prostate and have nobody to brag to anyway. I brought the razor to my face and had an all-together platonic 30 minutes of joy.
When we were 20 we made different decisions about damn near EVERYTHING! Some included the immortal words which have been passed down from generation to generation..."Hold my beer".
Concerning the "situational" part of your nocturnal wanderings, as to the shave I'm almost never at 30 minutes, as to the other... Sometimes BADABOOM!...sometimes BADABOOM!



I shaved a fortune
Years ago now, I did a taste test with 3 top
I was waiting on the completion of that testing....... "and I do not recall ever testing the Grey Goose"

I’m working and typing in between deliveries. To me and my unsophisticated pallet, the Grey Goose had a harsh aftertaste. It was much less smooth but I’m guessing some people love that “bite” when it comes to harder liquor.
May 22, 2024
My new shave buddy

Shaving is a personal experience for me. When I’ve got a razor up against my face, I prefer to be alone. It’s not like I don’t love my wife dearly – I do. But when I’m focusing on my technique, I want to dedicate myself to the task at hand. I want to get into the ‘zone’. When my wife is in the bathroom with me, I am obliged to share that zone with her. I love sharing time with my girl, but for those 30 minutes, I prefer to zone out and concentrate.

A bit of background. We live about 60 miles northeast of Manhattan in a zoning area one might call exurban. Plots here are between 2 and 8 acres and there are lots of woods. We don’t need fences to make for good neighbors, because your neighbors are usually at least 150 yards away. That said, the wildlife does not seem to care about the zoning. We regularly run into snakes, racoons, possum, cayotes, deer, foxes, black bear, turtles, hawks, eagles, scores of different types of song birds, hummingbirds – its really beautiful, provided you are ok watching nature in action.

Here is a pic of a black bear on my deck back at the beginning of April just before it found my garbage pail. That table seats 8 people:


Here is a picture of a nice little bunny I captured a few days ago while it looked for vegetables:


And here is a video snip of a Fox enjoying a squirrel breakfast in my back yard:

Everyone is looking for a bite to eat!

That said, my bathroom does not have any food. So why the hell did a mouse find it’s way in there at the crack of dawn and interrupt my shave. If I don’t want my wife in there with me, I certainly don’t want a field mouse getting between me and my Athena!

The exterminator is on the way.

Have a lovely shave!
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