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Checking In

Hello, all of you wonderful people. It's been a while since I've logged in. A few of you have reached out via Email to see if I'm okay. I really appreciate that.

Since I last logged in, I've moved. I also have been in and out of the hospital, and have had a death to take care of. I'm finally up to using forums and interacting online again.

Thank you for checking in on me. I'll be here on and off. Please be good to each other; you guys always are.



Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Since I last logged in, I've moved. I also have been in and out of the hospital, and have had a death to take care of.

You zigged and we zagged. Sorry to hear about the troubles, and hopefully they are behind you and better days are ahead.

I'm finally up to using forums and interacting online again.

Welcome bach!

It is lovely you're back.
And it is thoughtful of you to let us know how you're doing.
Draw comfort from this little corner of the interweb until your cup runneth over
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