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Cheap Beer

OK...perhaps you may have some objection to confessing to any of this but, it's a proven fact that confession is good for the soul. What is your favorite cheap beer? For years I was a dyed in the wool Natural Light fan but I must confess Busch Light is stealing the first chair slot at the moment. This is very affordable beer and great for those hot weather lazy afternoons or a beer with your supper after work. How 'bout the rest of you. Do you fancy cheap beer? If so, what type?
For an inexpensive beer, I will make my own, specifically a Mexican Cerveza. On our annual trips to the beach, I make 5 gallons of it, bring a corny keg to the beach with us, fill a big bucket with ice and enjoy while watching the kids play in the sand and the young ladies (and some older ones) walk by in their bikinis.
For cheap, watery, flavorless beer that you can drink all day long in the summer, Keystone light is pretty great....

If I'm drinking for the flavor of it, and to actually enjoy the beer instead of just being social, go to trader Joe's. Stockyard Oatmeal Stout runs in the neighborhood of $4.50 a six pack. I'd happily pay double that amount if they decided to charge it.

Oh, and those responses assume that I didn't brew anything for myself. Just a disclaimer.
Without a doubt...Pabst's Blue Ribbon, in a bottle, but cans will do the trick too! In college I drank a lot of Stroh's (fire brewed for the best flavor!) and even more Geneseo Cream Ale, "screamers" as they were affectionately known. I remember that Stroh's came in a 30 can case, so that, with the cheap price, was reason enough to drink it. Today, I cant drink any of that stuff...PBR is as low as I will go.
For an inexpensive beer, I will make my own, specifically a Mexican Cerveza. On our annual trips to the beach, I make 5 gallons of it, bring a corny keg to the beach with us, fill a big bucket with ice and enjoy while watching the kids play in the sand and the young ladies (and some older ones) walk by in their bikinis.

You don't drink PBR Peoples Beer of Richmond, or as other call it Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Life is far too short to drink cheap beer. I implore you please, PLEASE start your foray into better beer. Hell, you can get started homebrewing for pretty cheap these days. If you can boil water you can make beer.
A little harder to get in California, but worth it. I spent a few months in the Twin Cities last year and drank my weight in it daily.
This is a thread on beer and people are mentioning Busch Light and Natural Light? :tongue_sm You want light beer? Add water. :lol:

Among the less expensive moderately priced beers, I'd go for Yuengling, which here will run under 70 cents a bottle. Saranac is also a decent inexpensive beer.

But please, as NFlames said, life is too short to spend it drinking watery, cheap, flavorless beer. For that, just drink water, pocket the savings and enjoy really good beer the next time.
My splurge beer: anything by Schmaltz brewing. Their Lenny Bruce R.I.P.A. was epic.

My everyday beer, Summit. It's pretty fantastic for the price.

My ****-hot, I don't care what I drink, as long as it is cold and crisp beer? PBR. It's like alcoholic 7-up. It barely qualifies as a beer, but there's nothing like it on a hot day.
My splurge beer: anything by Schmaltz brewing. Their Lenny Bruce R.I.P.A. was epic.

My everyday beer, Summit. It's pretty fantastic for the price.

My ****-hot, I don't care what I drink, as long as it is cold and crisp beer? PBR. It's like alcoholic 7-up. It barely qualifies as a beer, but there's nothing like it on a hot day.

Summit? Is that a local MicroBrew?
Summit is brewed in Saint Paul, Minnesota... it's distributed throughout the upper Midwest. If you order a "Summit" at a bar here, you'll get the Extra Pale Ale. A pretty typical, although competent American ale. The IPA is assertive, but not so much as the dry-hopped beers that get so much attention. The Porter is wonderfully syrupy, but still very drinkable. The ESB is far and away above the RedHook ESB I grew up with... nice on a spring afternoon. Then, there are the seasonals... fantastic, for the most part. I love the Oktoberfest, the Winter ale, the Maibock...

If you want to learn more, go to www.summitbrewing.com.
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