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Bevel reset makes a difference

Hmmm, I have crossed a line that I didn't know was there. My apologies for any offense to Seraphim. I'll stick to questions for a while longer. I'm having a hard time reading and communicating tone of voice here. Please forgive.
It's more enjoyable feeling to hone on than that DMT slab o' steel. Seems more consistant as well (the DMTs wear out and get finer and finer)
It's more enjoyable feeling to hone on than that DMT slab o' steel. Seems more consistent as well (the DMTs wear out and get finer and finer)
I find the DMT to be great on coarse grid (I use 600), but for getting to the bevel I still use my King 1K, even though I got a full size DMT 1500. Taking metal out is one thing, but somehow the feeling of the stone is different. Even a low cast synthetic one.
I use a Harbor Freight 320 for bulk removal and blade shaping (I'm talking GDs here...), then I go to the Shapton 1K, and on to the films from there.
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