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Best Time For A Shave

I love a good morning shave but tomorrow is Saturday and...maybe I need to get a life but...I'm looking forward to a nice shave in the early afternoon, sun streaming through the bathroom window, noone else around. After work is a fave too. How about you?
I usually shave right before bed as it relaxes me and helps me wind down. Mornings are hard for me as I really want to sleep for as long as I can. :lol:


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Anytime I am the only one home so I can take my time, relax, enjoy, and listen to MY music as loud as I want.
This is my preferred time.
all the other times it is before work.
I agree with you, Glen. Being retired, a shave in the early afternoon refreshes me for the rest of the day.
Indeed...me too. It puts a nice cap on the end of the day... All clean and properly-fragranced for dinner and the evening. [emoji3]
Two mugs of black-as-my-heart coffee at 5:30am, complete with a pre-shave slathering of Noxema,and I'm ready to face the shaving mirror.
Any time later in the day and I can't guarantee there might be alcohol involved. I'm just not that confident for "later in the day" shaving!


Needs milk and a bidet!
I usually shave right before bed as it relaxes me and helps me wind down. Mornings are hard for me as I really want to sleep for as long as I can. :lol:

Ditto to this.

Although if it's close to the weekend I will just save it for Saturday or Sunday, and that's whenever I get around to it. Typically before noon.
I generally shave after a morning shower...but I do like a nice shave later in the day...especially if there's a date night that evening.
The morning shower produces the best shaves for me, but I think I enjoy the evening shaves a little more because I feel less rushed and can relax a little while shaving.
Something for us not-quite-there yet guys to look forward to.

I should hope that a fellow might have at least one day off work per week.

I work about 42 hours a week, yet I usually get at least one late-morning or early-afternoon shave per week. I agree that it's the best. Wonderful light that time of day.
I'm a first thing the the AM guy - just part of my "look good, feel good do good" mentality. Also, i tend to look really tired at work if I am not clean shaven - makes me face look dark despite the fact I have only medium-density stubble.
I do afternoon shaves after a shower if i go for a bike ride or housework. Evening shaves occasionally on weekdays. I still like my mornings best while on vacation or weekends , because i can take my time with it and consider it an essential start.
I tend to drag my shave out if I shave at night since there's no rush, which is nice. But for some reason, I feel like I get better shaves in the morning. It may just be that the morning shaves "last longer", in that I'm not sleeping during the first, closest hours of the shave.
I most always shave twice a day. I have flexible work hours, so I am able to have a relaxed shave in the morning. Not having issues with irritation, I shave again before retiring for the evening. I enjoy that clean shaven feeling.
Seeing as how I have to shave for work and I have to get up for work at 4 am I shave right before bed since it relaxes the heck out of me now that I have discovered WHY my Grandfather shaved the way he did and it really calms my mind after a 13 hour work day with a 1 hour commute each way. But on days off, I still like to shave sometime in the evening before bed.
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