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Best razor for getting under the nose?

I don't have a recommendation for a specific razor but I will echo the suggestions from above to stretch a little bit.

What I do looks a bit silly but has been effective. I basically hook two fingers from my non-shaving hand into my nose and pull up slightly. That stretches that area just enough to get any of my razors in there for a couple quick, light strokes.

Good luck!
I use all my DE razors for between the nose and mustache, I use the roll the head method. This is how I rank the performance of my current razors for that task.

1- 34G - Small head and handle, efficient and easy to maneuver
2- Rockwell 6C - the largest of all my razor heads but I am used to it, I shave with it often so its natural in the hand. It shaves close with one pass. I use the size of the head to my advantage as a guide as it rolls against my nose.
3- Gillette Tech fat handle - Small and nimble. Its not a close shaver so I always use a Feather so I don't have to make multiple passes.
4- R89 - It handles similar to the 34G, but its so mild its hard to like.
5- R41 - It's my favorite for handling under the nose. It's down the list because I'm am doing to nick myself under the nostril 1/2 the time.
6- All my TTO razors, last resort under the nose. I am not really a TTO fan, I defiantly do not like them trimming beard and mustache.
I suppose I cheat by only shaving across the grain under the nose. If using a straight, a Spanish point works really well. If using a DE, once left to right and again right to left takes care on the whiskers.
If I shaved my mustache area against the grain, I’d have a blood bath lol
If using a DE my only answer to "how" is "very carefully," not so much for nicking where you are trying to shave but the exposed end of the blade catching the outside of a nostril. Some cartridges have trimmer blades designed for that area but I have found some of those to be brutal. I don't really think they're even necessary either. I have found with 3+ blades you can just jam the thing in there and pull without much worry of getting cut and if that does concern me I can just pull the tip of my nose to the side to lessen the angle of the skin geography at that point.
I am an SE user.
My Shovel head or 1912 squat head does the job.

The first pass is straight down. The second pass is XTG in both directions. I do not shave using an ATG pass in that area.

I get a three directional BBS like shave.

Some say the heads of vintage SE’s are huge. Either way, I have little issue with shaving the area under the nose.
I am having a difficult time getting the line of whiskers that are right under my nostril holder. Is there a special razor made just for this area? I'm thinking something with an over exposed blade or maybe it has it's own blade type.

Any help is appreciated.
Leaf Twig is great for this!
Fir the nose job use a disposable Schick like this one

or BIC Metal.
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