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Beer of the day - BOTD - 2024

Good man for choking the first one down! I don't think I have ever had an Imperial Wheat before...
I'll always finish a freebie. He did ask me how it was, and I told him I'm not a fan of sours. My BILs all seem to be fascinated with imports. Unfortunately, that includes Heineken 😬

The imperial wheat is from Unibroue Brewing, Chambly, Quebec.
A little bit of Troegs Sunshine Pilsner while I work on my list of ferments to do this spring.
My Sunshine.jpg

The brilliant brewing acumen of Dan Carey and his crew, combined with his wife/business partner Debra's savvy marketing skill gives me this delightful kolsch. A bready center combines with lightly sweet fruit notes of apple and peach, and the carbonation is perfect; columns of sparkling bubbles throughout the drink with excellent glass lacing. Really, really nice. I must be getting better at reading these beers; I've had this before, but I don't remember being this impressed then....
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