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USPS is being a booger. Tracking still shows “Label created” and nothing else.

People at Blackland are helping from their side and I’m just waiting for more information.

Blackland Razors customer service? 10/10

USPS tracking? -100/10
The Houston USPS regional hub did an "upgrade" in December last year and FUBARed quite badly. It took forever to get stuff out of the Hub. I hope it works out for you soon.
I’ll get home and it’ll be in the mailbox. (I wish)

So, the tracking information finally updated on my Blackbird baseplate. It says I can expect delivery on Wednesday the eighth. That makes it ten days since the shipping label was printed, twelve days since I ordered it.

USPS service is not what it used to be.

But, in the “cup is half full” category: the Shield AC razor in brass shows back in stock on AE.

On the other hand (cup half empty), I would have to let go of two of my remaining three razors to get it.

If I was the vindictive type, I would take inventory of someone’s shoes….
So, the tracking information finally updated on my Blackbird baseplate. It says I can expect delivery on Wednesday the eighth. That makes it ten days since the shipping label was printed, twelve days since I ordered it.

USPS service is not what it used to be.

But, in the “cup is half full” category: the Shield AC razor in brass shows back in stock on AE.

On the other hand (cup half empty), I would have to let go of two of my remaining three razors to get it.

If I was the vindictive type, I would take inventory of someone’s shoes….
Hopefully the razor arrives soon.
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If this Lite baseplate doesn’t work for me, I’m returning it then buying a Vector. I would have to wait for a discount/sale.

Question for the class; which version is recommended for someone who can’t use a Blackbird daily: SS as machined or polished OR titanium?

I’d really like my “last” razor purchase to be one I can use as a daily driver.

Without knowing how it would treat me, I’m leaning towards the titanium.
First shave with the Lite.

It works exactly as advertised/engineered. Less “aggressive”, less blade feel.

First impression: I don’t like it. I felt the need to either do excessive buffing after three passes, or (what I ended up doing) grabbing another razor and doing a quick fourth pass to knock down my problem spots. (Tatara Nodachi)

Planning on using the Lite for the next two daily shaves to confirm my observation.
I feel the need to explain. I’m not criticizing @Blackland Razors product. It’s working as engineered/advertised. If I had never encountered very efficient razors (Blackbird regular, Yates 921-H, or Nodachi), I’d have considered the Lite the “bees knees”.

I was fixated on their Vector as my next purchase, but I just saw the Osprey.

When I first started shaving, I used my dad’s safety razor (I’m sure it was some model of a Gillette TTO).
I made the fairly common progression from there to cartridges then to a Norelco, and here I am, back to a safety razor.
The one I picked up is apparently older than me (it’s from 1962, I hail from ‘64) but it is adjustable which is more than I can say for myself.
When I first bought it, I was using it the way I did back in the late 70s/early 80s - with canned foam “goo”.
For Christmas, my family upgraded my shave equipment. I now have a cheap boar brush and a sleeve of 100 Feather blades from Amazon, an unscented shave soap from Stirling, and a marble shave bowl by Beau Brummell (not sure how to spell it).

I’m stylin’ and profilin’.

Now, I just need to get me one of those neato nifty Blackland Blackbird razors and I’ll be in like Flint.
Welcome! You mean one of these…I recently got my Blackland Blackbird Lite and love it!
While I sit, quietly lusting for a Vector, I have a question.

Are all of the Timeless razor parts compatible with each other?

Meaning, can I go to the “Scratch and Dent” section, grab a bronze cap & handle, then go to the stainless steel section and grab a baseplate?

In my cart currently is that exact combination but I’m curious if it would work.
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