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Axe is crap

What, Axe Smeltiver can't be that bad

There, fixed that for you. :D Oh, and I just learned this evening, to my great horror, that my wife has bought our son Axe on at least one occasion:scared:. I hang my head in reflected shame...:crying:

Then again, I think the authorities would get mad if we made the boy wear a Haz-Mat suit around the house, for our protection. Nothing like teen boy funk.

Thank God!


I bought and wore some Axe stuff one time and that was the first time EVER my wife demanded I go take a shower to wash it off. She has put up with me wearing everything from Clubman to Old Spice but Axe really offended her senses.

I know so many college girls that hate axe, and I imagine older women dislike it too. Apparently teenage girls love the stuff, but I don't want to go to jail...

I wrote a rather amusing open letter thanking the company for their "cougar repellent" a while back but it was taken down (posted it on R&R on CL). It's just as well; the writing was crude and not convincing enough.
I am sad to say that back in JR. High I wore this "wonderful" stuff.......Now the wife loves when I take her in and make her smell AS or Cologne..that means she gets what she wants and so do I:w00t:
Axe... Oh the memories of Junior High. I had a bottle stashed in every conceivable location. I think I managed to go through about a bottle a week. And then I found the High School "scent crack" Curve.
I've never found Axe especially heinous compared to any other scent. Like everyone else I tried it in high school, but it quickly got ditched simply because I prefer antiperspirant to cover-up scents. These days I prefer unscented products in general, though Proraso soap and Nivea ASB are growing on me.

However, the slightest mention of Axe in a female context has never failed in my experience to evoke comments of just how much they hate it. I personally believe a big part of the problem is that it is simply too easy to apply waaaaaaaay too much. For my own part I prefer my women to smell like women rather than fragrances anyway, and try to smell clean myself instead of like high school hallway. Protip: Showering every day helps.

I think Aqua Velva is a better cougar repellant, though. The comparison to teenage boys might not turn out in your favour. Better to smell like an old homeless drunk. Don't forget to douse yourself like Charles Bronson!
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My 5yr old son had to buy a trial bottle of the body wash so the girls would be all over him...he was disappointed when it didn't work, "Daddy, I wasted my dollar, the girls wont jump on me"

I use the AXE mint deodorant because my wife likes it. I would much rather return to the Old Spice LiquidStick, but she doen't like old spice on me and they havent made the LiquidStick since, like, 1990
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I use their deodorant and sometimes some of their bodywashes. If you pick the right ones, they just have a light clean smell. I never use their sprays though. I'll pick an actual cologne if I want to have a scent.

On a related note, anyone remember that Teen Spirit crap from the late '80's early 90's? now THAT was a nasty smell!!!
I use their deodorant and sometimes some of their bodywashes. If you pick the right ones, they just have a light clean smell. I never use their sprays though. I'll pick an actual cologne if I want to have a scent.

On a related note, anyone remember that Teen Spirit crap from the late '80's early 90's? now THAT was a nasty smell!!!

I remember Smells Like Teen Spirit from Nirvana. Awesome song!:thumbup:
I dont think Axe products are all that bad. I stay away from the body spray, but the deoderant sticks and body wash are great. The blue body wash is awesome for the summer, it has menthol and really cools you down on insanely hot days. The orange Snake Peel one isnt bad either. If you use body wash, their little black and red tool is great since it has a scrubber on the other side.

The one axe scent I like is essence (the one with the dragon and unicorn on it haha). The deoderant is great. I would even consider the body spray, used lightly of course.
I am sad to say that back in JR. High I wore this "wonderful" stuff.......Now the wife loves when I take her in and make her smell AS or Cologne..that means she gets what she wants and so do I:w00t:

You guys are cracking me up. No wonder some schools are having to ban all scents!

I am dating myself a little here but Right Guard was big in the locker room when I was in HS. As far as I know, there was only one kind: the original. Things were so much easier back then.

Of course, the Brut was for special occassions when a strong pesticide was needed. Something about the humidity and heat down here did not do the old Brut formula any favors. Yuk! :lol:
I wish I could find something nice to say about Axe...but I can't. I just hope some of the boys who douse themselves in it will eventually develop better taste in fragrances when they mature.
I remember Smells Like Teen Spirit from Nirvana. Awesome song!:thumbup:

The amusing thing is the story behind that title. When Kurt was writing it, his friend Kathleen Hanna of the band Bikini Kill spray painted "Kurt smells like teen spirit" on his wall. Kurt thought she meant he embodied the spirit of what it means to be a teenager. Kathleen meant he smelled like her band mate Tobi Vail's deodorant because they were sleeping together at the time.

Reportedly Kurt didn't find out that the joke was on him until after the song was already a massive success catapulting him to stardom.
Oh, I also meant to point out that while complaints about the smell are common, a lot of women also associate the product with the TV ads used to market it. Axe's ads might seem like they're just in good fun, but they are awfully chauvinistic in their implied claims that women are mindless zombies that can be baited by stuff that comes in a $3 can.

How would you feel if a similar product was being marketed to gay men as causing straight men to dogpile the user in a similar fashion? I'd be offended.
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