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Attention: Law Enforcement Officials

I don't accept at all that one's basic American rights are abridged by being legally required to avoid activities that endanger others, including driving drunk (not why I came to this country) or high, or looking down at a text. A quick review of the Constitution revealed no prohibition on the regulation of cell phones, texts, or for that matter automobiles .. so I'd say it is ok to restrain, legally, some fool who's behavior tends toward the injurious ..

Laws cannot regulate people into common sense.
Of course, the cost of all of this came out of their profits, right?

That's exactly right. No self respecting manufacturer or retailer would even think about passing on the costs to the consumer. In fact those filthy stinking money grubbing capitalist ought to be taxed at 110% just for good measure.

Oh...wait... Wrong BBS. My bad.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
It truly seems that way at times, doesn't it? :lol:

I kid you not...
I bought a 2x4 the other day that had a warning label on it that said;

The manufacturer of this product had to get a label design and wording approved by a State Government Agency, have it shipped to them, and affix it to every single 2x4 they sell.
I bought this 2x4 in Wisconsin.
Of course, the cost of all of this came out of their profits, right?

Lol'd, job security?


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Interesting conversation about an emerging problem .. Cell phones could be easily squelched by modern car technology, but then how would the entitled & self important continue to call their customers to sell toilet paper or crack, or order pizzas without having the severe inconvenience of pulling over for a minute?? The cell providers could also just block signals from phones traveling at or above a given speed - since they know exactly where you are .. but not likely as they make the money on the calls ..

I'd like to see driving with one in use be treated like DWI, which studies like the above have shown is somewhat analogous for causing injury to others. Make it a primary offense (can be easily proven by the cell provider's tower records). Text or call could be banned, unless the vehicle is stopped.

I don't accept at all that one's basic American rights are abridged by being legally required to avoid activities that endanger others, including driving drunk (not why I came to this country) or high, or looking down at a text. A quick review of the Constitution revealed no prohibition on the regulation of cell phones, texts, or for that matter automobiles .. so I'd say it is ok to restrain, legally, some fool who's behavior tends toward the injurious ..

Just my humble 2 cents, after another near miss today

I know of one lawsuit already where a State Trooper pulled over a vehicle driven by a teenager, swerving in and out of their lane. The Trooper asked if he was texting , which the teenager denied. However, the Trooper being sure of it because he observed the teenage driver looking into his lap at the glow off his phone, pulled the teenage driver's record only to find he was NOT texting.

He was actually using his GPS. And his father just happened to be an attorney. Using a cell phone and driving is not illegal. Nor is using a GPS from a cell phone. However, pulling a driver's phone records sans warrant or subpoena is. Just sayin...
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Needs milk and a bidet!
Are you actually suggesting that we punish and inconvenience the entire population to deal with a few miscreants?
I was taught a lesson on this by my boss a long time ago. I was a young man new to the management title and our break room was consistently a mess. So I got fed up one night and took the break room table away. Folded it up and said no more table if we can't keep the break room clean!

Well the next day I go to work thinking I solved the problem and expecting a pat in the back. NOPE the compete opposite. My boss called me in the office and asked where the table was (apparently the employees had told him before I got to work). I told him where and why as smug as I could. He chastised me for a few minutes and made me put the table back before I did anything else.
I'm simply saying the sensor I proposed would not have the ability to distinguish between the driver's cellphone and that of the passenger so with such a system you would have to pull over if you want to talk. I'm by no means a cellphone expert, but in a vehicle equipped with a cell signal shut off device like I mentioned there could possibly be a wired connection on the passenger side that will transmit the signal to the outside of the vehicle and bypass the signal sensor to allow the passenger to browse the internet, text, call. This wire would be too short to allow the driver to connect his cellphone. I don't know if either idea would work except in theory.

How about anyone caught using their cell phone and cited has to pay to have a device installed that kills the engine if there is any cell phone on in the car - like the breathalyzer installed in cars for those convicted of DUI. Mandatory 2 year cell phone interlock device...

And assume the rest of us are responsible enough to drive responsibly and leave the texting for when we are not operating a motor vehicle.
He was actually using his GPS. [...] Using a cell phone and driving is not illegal. Nor is using a GPS from a cell phone. However, pulling a driver's phone records sans warrant or subpoena is. Just sayin...

And so we slide down the slippery slope.

No need for a study on that. Every farmer in America or the rest of the world who ever plowed with mules knew that.

Problem is they can't reproduce. All the male mule zygotes die; they're not viable. So there are no male mules. And if you breed the females their zygotes are all non-viable as well. I think there is one documented mules birth of a dead colt, but in general any conceived offspring spontaneously abort. Problem is that the horse and burro have different numbers of chromosome pairs.
I'm tellin' ya. That car as smart as a mule is the answer to this.



My elbows leak
Staff member
No need for a study on that. Every farmer in America or the rest of the world who ever plowed with mules knew that.

Problem is they can't reproduce. All the male mule zygotes die; they're not viable. So there are no male mules. And if you breed the females their zygotes are all non-viable as well. I think there is one documented mules birth of a dead colt, but in general any conceived offspring spontaneously abort. Problem is that the horse and burro have different numbers of chromosome pairs.

What we need is a mule smart enough to read texts to you while your driving them.
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