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Anyone try Supply Provision's The Single Edge SE razor yet?

Second shave for me as well...and I have to say I'm sorry that some guys are not getting good shaves from this razor because today was a repeat of yesterday if not a bit more smooth, as I find my SE blades will smooth out after a shave or two and then last me at least 6 shaves total.

Today I went with Dr Jon's Hydra...which is soooo slick and the Vie Long Zurito blanco...a great combo. Late afternoon shave before going to evening mass and the razor performed just like yesterday....easy to handle, smooth and very efficient. I think it could be very easy to use to much pressure with the heft of this razor and I have to remind myself to just let it do it's thing.

Three passes, BBS a couple of small weepers that closed up themselves after some witch hazel....so far I am very happy with this razor and I can say that I did not have super high expectations.

BTW, your presentation pictures are really artistic Juan... You have a good eye for composition!

Thank you sir I appreciate that.....I do give most of the credit to my editing software!

I received my razor last week. It is the one with just the medium head. I was about to write a negative review do to the first two shaves I had using the supplied Personna blades.
It was very harsh, giving me razor burn which I never get.I figured it was me, not accostemed to the weight, etc. of a new razor.
The second shave was not quite as harsh, probably due to the fact that I was very gentle with the razor and not putting much if any pressure on it. Did not give me a great shave. I needed to go over my face with my Schick 66 injector which always gives me a great shave.
Well I have to tell you it is not the razor it is the blade. This morning I switched the blade to a Schick Platinum Plus injector blade and it became a whole new razor. Easy to maneuver,(I got used to the weight), very efficient cutting, smooth, etc. I usually am a two pass shaver with a little touch up on my chin. Today I got a DFS with my two passes and I just touched up under my chin for a close to BBS shave with NO irritation at all.
So I give this beautiful razor my endorsement. Just use a good blade. I am 69 years old and have been wet shaving for most of thiose years. My favorite razor is still a Gillette slim. BBS every time.
Got my Supply Provision Single Edge in from the Kickstarter a week and a half ago. I ordered the custom model because I shave with adjustables and usually turn them up pretty high. I tried the middle plate for my first shave and, as expected, needed it to be a little more aggressive. Swapped out to the aggressive plate to finish up and it was outstanding. I have now had five or six shaves all on the same blade and all using the aggressive plate. They have been excellent. One pass will get me passably appropriate in public and two passes will get a "wow" from my wife. I usually go with two passes. As others have mentioned, the angle is easy to find and it really does sing when I get it right. I had not used an SE before, so that was a quick adjustment. Since finding the angle though, I have not had a single cut, not even a weeper.

The improvement on avoiding cuts/bumps is probably my favorite part of the razor. I have been using a Progress for the last two years and really liked it. I had just gotten used to one or two weepers each shave. Now, I get just as close of a shave, but I don't have to drive to work with tissues stuck to my face.

For those concerned with the weight, I suggest knocking out a few curls two to three times a week. Nothing too strenuous, 25-35 lb dumbells should get you there. Another said the razor feels like holding a wrench. I've noticed the same thing and it basically makes me feel like a hero every morning. What kind of man doesn't like wrenches?

Well done, Supply Provision Co.
This morning was another shave. I used the medium head again with a Mondial soap. Pretty much just like the first - but no weeper today. So this razor is a permanent part of the rotation.
OP here. I finally got ahold of this razor and have had around 3 OK shaves with it on mild and moderate settings with the included Personna blades. It's a decent shaver and looks to be well-made even with the injector flaw that version 1 has. Have ordered the Schick blades to see how they do...They are more expensive, but the consensus I have seen on the boards seem to think they cut better. We'll see! At any rate, I am thinking so far that this razor is a keeper.
Well, it took me a few tries, but I finally figured out the angle for this razor and had a great shave yesterday. I got the kit with the soap, brush and AS, which I'm also enjoying. Going to hunt down more blades next.
Contrary to my post above, I'm now getting stellar shaves from the Personna SE blades, but loaded the last one by hand. Shave 3 today and all is well. Smooth easy shave...
First shave with Supply Provisions The Single Edge this morning. I have the "custom" version and used the two dot blade plate this morning with the blades they ship. It was a very nice shave it may be better than my Schick E3.
I tried mine yesterday.

Like other members I experienced a bad shave with the first blade.
Tried a few others and they seemed better.
From the experiences posted here I figure I might try the Schick blades, so I'll see if I can find an EU source.

Second shave was better indeed.
The razor seems well made and with the ooo plate which is the most aggressive sings loud.
It provided a close shave.

Looking forward to using this a bit more!


Dances with Wolfs
Yeah, my first shave was so harsh with the included blade, I have yet to take a second chance with this. I think I will give it a retry with a Chick in a few days.


Dances with Wolfs
Its been a couple of extra days using a DE. So I went back to the Single Edge today. Used a Chick blade. Hand loaded it. I lined it up very carefully with the base plate loosened (but not removed) and tightened the razor.

Although it was much better than the first outing, I still got about 4 small weepers on my lower neck line, which is my usual trouble spot. I even got one on my WTG pass, which is very rare. Almost never happens. However, there was very little irritation, and the shave was much closer than the last one.

Did three standard passes. Cheeks and face were approaching full BBS. The neck was a very high DFS. Nice result. Still not happy about seeing blood. I can still get a better shave with a DE or SE without drawing blood than I can from any injector. I will keep trying.

$SOTD Single Edge 12july2016.jpg
I got another great shave from my Supply injector today....about 2-3 days growth, probably about the 4th or 5th shave on this blade (Schick) using the 2 dot head....smooth and comfortable...on tiny weeper on the bottom of my neck...I'm still very pleased with this razor!
I have typically used "chick" blades in my injector razors. The personna blades did not work for me in my Schick E3. However they seem to work with the Supply Provisions razor. Do others find the personna blades to get dull quicker than the Chinese Schick blades? I am at shave 5 on this personna blade and will not be trying to get a sixth out of it...
I've had a few shaves now with the Supply and I still have mixed feelings and results. I'm not sure if its a blade issue or something else so I will continue to work on the shaves.
The main issues I see with The Single Edge are that is way too heavy IMO and the blade stops are too wide, not allowing enough blade exposure from side to side. Injectors are not known for being so heavy and I think they work best when lighter. I like the fact that it is all metal, but I really think an aluminum version would be great. I love my Alumigoose for this reason. I do get great shaves with The Single Edge, but it just feels too clunky in my hand. Just one man's opinion.
Thanks for all the opinions everyone. This has been very interesting to read. I'm not sure if I would like it or not, so I may just have to give one a shot and see for myself.
The main issues I see with The Single Edge are that is way too heavy IMO and the blade stops are too wide, not allowing enough blade exposure from side to side. Injectors are not known for being so heavy and I think they work best when lighter. I like the fact that it is all metal, but I really think an aluminum version would be great. I love my Alumigoose for this reason. I do get great shaves with The Single Edge, but it just feels too clunky in my hand. Just one man's opinion.

That's interesting because the weight of this razor is what I like about it....I find that the extra heft really allows me to go with a light touch....while I don't mind light razors, I find it easier to shave "no pressure" with a heavier one.
Anyone reading this (that does not own one) interested in a pass-around to try it? I bought one and have managed to get a good shave after a few goes, but I prefer my Cobras. I would be willing to send my Supply Provision razor out on the road, but all I have are the Ted Pella/ASR blades to use in the razor.

U.S. tour only to start as sending back-and-forth across borders is a bit of a hassle.
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