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Anyone keeping bees?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Well, my wife picked up her first hive box, or whatever the heck you call it. Before you know it, you'll be calling me stingy.

Now she's telling me she needs a cut up queen bee.
I've been interested in bee keeping for a while now, and was even looking at plans to building my own top-bar style hive.
Probably get some bees in a few years.
My brother keeps bees and he sent this to me with the comment, "This changes everything!"


I'd like to know more about it. I'm assuming the artificial comb is only for the honey supers. How well are the bees accepting this artificial comb? How does the system affect swarming? What are the cell sizes and will the system accommodate keepers who regress their hives to natural cell sizes? Will this system allow the use of top entrances and pollen collectors? Will the system work with 8 frame set ups? Can the system be integrated into already established apiaries with out major hive overhauls? Does the system increase robbing? How often does the artificial flow comb have to be replaced due to wear and contamination?
I don't have the space to keep bees but I've been interested for years and have read quite a few books and websites. If you are interested in getting started then a good overview of beekeeping is Beekeeping For Dummies by Howland Blackiston . I'd recommend reading a few different sources though as there are many different approaches to keeping bees and Howland Blackiston covers conventional middle of the road methods and he focuses on Langstroth hives. Another approach is to look for a beekeeping club near you that offers courses or has a mentoring program. You might find one here:


You can also look into taking a class online. Penn State has an online course: http://beekeeping101.psu.edu/

There are also tons of resources online if you search google or youtube and a few large online forum communities to pick from for asking questions or just lurking.


Mann Lake is a fun site to browse for beekeeping equipment and supplies(request a catalog, it makes good reading in the bathroom): http://www.mannlakeltd.com/
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