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Another newbie checking in

Hello all,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I've known about this site for a month or so, but just registered today. Last week I received a shaving brush, bowl, and soap for my birthday. I've been using those with a Mach 3, but just acquired a Merkur Heavy Duty safety-razor today. (I'm actually looking forward to shaving tomorrow - can't say that's ever happened before!)

Anyway, I've already learned quite a bit so far - you guys have amassed an impressive amount of information, and it feels like I just started to learn how to shave (though I've been doing it for years). I look forward to learning more...
Welcome and what's your name friend?

Please post how your first shave went when you get a chance. It should be a good one I'm guessing by your preparation.
Thanks for the welcome guys!

Well, I just got done using my new Merkur HD, and I did (quite literally) a "hack job." I've never seen so much blood on my neck since I started shaving. I'm going to assume that the first time was a learning experience. I've always had problems with my neck (irritation, sometimes blood), but nothing like this.:eek:

I made three passes: the first one with the grain, the second one cross grain, and the third one against the grain. I tried my best to not press down on the razor.

Perhaps my angle was off? I had tried the suggestion of putting the razor head against the skin and then rotating down until the blade made contact, but this was somewhat difficult, and I suspect I wasn't using the right angle on the parts of my face that make it hard for me to see what angle I'm using (e.g., the neck).

Any advice?
wow I hope my first DE shave wont be a blood bath..!
Im buying the Merkur and the cream tomorrow in London, waiting for the badger to arrive by the post
Welcome! I would suggest doing 2 with the grain passes for now...in a week add a cross grain pass...eventually you can go against the grain. This should allow your face to adjust. The neck is the toughest part...minimal pressure and the correct angle will really help. It will only get better...
I agree: use two passes now (with and across the grain) and work on blade angle and pressure. Try the Kyle grip: holding the razor at the very tip of the handle. You don't need to do the entire shave that way, but it will give you an idea of how the blade works even with light pressure. Make sure your prep is good. Use short strokes so you can focus on just what you're doing for the entire stroke.
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