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All ink is not created equal.

Being new at this I am learning what works well in my TWSBI 580 and what does not. Noodles Apache Sunset lays ink down like a dry river gulch. On the other hand, Noodlers Bay State Blue I find is a very wet ink or that is how my 580 portrays it. Good thing the Apache Sunset was just in a sample vile as I will never order a bottle of it.

In addition to nib/pen, paper is a consideration for inks as well. Minute amounts of soap can be added to the ink to make it wetter if you like the color.
Just hand soap. Cut off the end of a Q-tip and just dip the cardboard end into the soap enough to coat the end. Best to test in a small batch of ink to make sure you like the results. I tried it with 3 ml of the driest, scratchiest ink ever and it worked like a charm.
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